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Community Member
Hi, I have complex ptsd, depression etc. When I get a bout of depression I succumb to insomnia. I have tried many sleep medications over the years unsuccessfully. Changed t he environment in my bedroom as well. Stopped drinking coffee and abstain from tv, phone etc. Is insomnia more related to the ptsd or the depression...has anyone any experience with this? I am getting 3 hrs of sleep a night and this is the forth week and it starting to affect many aspects of daily living including not being able to remember.
3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Celery,

Welcome to the forums...

Im sorry your struggling with insomnia..

I have C-PTSD and depression...I’m not sure but I think it’s both that contribute to sleepless nights...

When I know I try to sleep I cant...my mind is just chatting away endlessly.....

I learned about sleep stories a while back...I like ..”Dan Jones”...They are always beautiful calming stories and if I listen mindfully..I usually fall asleep through listening to him..without even realising it....if I put my full attention into listening to him....My mind does wander..then I pull myself up and begin listening to him again....

Also I use the insight app...there are many apps that are their to help us....I know theirs a lot of apps...it’s finding the right one that works....

We have a thread here that’s called “Sleep”..with lots of really good ideas to try....I also read a lot the “Mindfulness “ thread we have here as well as it has great ideas on getting a break from negative thoughts...Feel free to join in the ongoing conversations...if you feel to..

Its hard not sleeping and it does make C-PTSD and depression harder to manage...Sleep is needed so much for both physical and mental health....

I hope I have helped you some..

Please take good care of you....

Kind thoughts and caring hugs..


Community Member
Hi Grandy, thank you for responding. I have no worries going to sleep, I just don't stay asleep. I wake and hope that I have been asleep for 6 hrs and realise it's only 2 or 3 hrs. I get frustrated, toss and turn then just wait for the sun to come up. I have used apps and the insight timer to help me but it does not. The morning dread and anxiety takes over for the rest of the day. I don't know Grandy just seems so difficult dealing with cptsd and not many understand it. I hope you are having a ok day.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Celery...

I can relate to doing the same...I’m thinking it’s how Are mindset is when we fall asleep....

I notice if I fall asleep with a chatty mind..I’m waking up constantly through the night and can’t get back to sleep...

I use the sleep stories..at times I will meditate first to try to clear my thoughts of negativity...

I think that the thoughts we go to sleep with has a lot to do with quality sleep....If we have peaceful thoughts then we are calm and our mind relaxed for a long sleep...If we go o sleep while our minds chatty..then we are not relaxed and our mind not calm enough to embrace a long restful sleep...

The less sleep I get the more my anxiety/depression and especially C-PTSD is amplified...

I hope tonight you get some good sleep...I like sleeping but don’t like it that I have to..I just fight sleeping most nights..

Kind and caring thoughts with a good night hug..
