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I think I might have OCD

Community Member

It has always been said that I have anxiety (earlier in life I was diagnosed with having an anxiety disorder). However as I am getting older I find I am having these funny control patterns. I need to plan order of events, times / dates...and need to do things straight away as soon as I think of them. Eg, if I am at work and find I need to make a call about something I want to organise I become anxious if I can't do it straight away, and have this feeling I am going to miss out on the only opportunity to make this call. I do silly things like having to check that my front door is locked properly 3 times before I leave the house, even when I can see I locked it properly. I worry that randomly the oven has been left on when it clearly hasn't. I also need to check my car door a few times to see if it's locked properly when I can see the first time it's locked. I fear if I don't do these checking things there will be some kind of 'explosion' or catastrophe. I also often randomly worry that I will lose my job or my lease will be ended abruptly for no reason. For example I fear strange things like if my lease runs out, before it's renewed in that short interim period I will lose my job and become destitute. Like if I lose one thing, all of the rest of my life will come crushing down - like something is punishing me.

I also now struggle with driving on the freeway, the merging of changing lanes overwhelms me and at times I've felt I'm bordering on having a panic attack. 5 years ago this never happened to me.

Having said all of this this stuff doesn't take over my whole life, I still get by and can work through this stuff, I just find it really odd. This funny control stuff is probably about 10% of my life. I currently see a psychologist, however I don't feel she is the right fit for this kindof stuff.

Is this more the kindof thing you'd see a psychiatrist for? Looking for help and answers.

I find it very difficult to just move with the flow of life.

16 Replies 16

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Chociloni, thanks for opening up to us and as an OCD sufferer myself along with many other people, what you have told us are definitely indications that anxiety are causing this illness.

I'm not a doctor but after having OCD for 60 years these are classical signs that it may have an effect on your behaviour.

It's a disturbing illness that intrudes on our mind and causes a great deal of discomfort, which we then try to reduce by engaging in repetitive behaviours and/or compulsions.

Don't blame yourself because once you do, it only intensifies the situation.

Your psychologist might not necessarily be versified in dealing with and I say this because not all teachers are able to handle different types of maths questions as an example and the same could apply with her, trained in a different area.

Do you feel comfortable asking her if she knows another counsellor who specifically deals in this area.

My thoughts are with you and understand everything you've told us andhope you can get back to us.

Best wishes.


Community Member

Hi Chociloni

I also suffer from OCD and generalised anxiety. Perhaps you could have a chat with your GP about your options, ask them if they think a referral to a Psychiatrist is right for you?

It's really important to find a Psychologist that is knowledgeable and that is a good fit for you - keep trying, there are good ones out there.

I personally use medication (through a Psychiatrist), Nutrient therapy (through a specially trained GP), a Psychologist and self-help techniques.

I suggest you get the book "Brain Lock" by Jeffrey Schwartz. He is a medical doctor that has exclusively researched OCD at UCLA for over 20 years. The book explains what OCD is, and how to fight it - this is the self-help book I use, it really is excellent!

Good luck!

Hi Rainbow Swan,

What is nutrient therapy? I see a naturopath as I have bad sinus issues and I eat a gluten, dairy and grain free diet, it helps with sinus issues so much, I lose weight and helps with depression. My naturopath has also been treating my irregular cycle which relates to my anxiety so much...It's weird since I've been doing all of this treatment with my naturopath has made me see how these control patterns are an issue? I really feel this is more of a newish and hopefully shorter term thing I can work through.

Also thanks Geoff for your reply would like to hear more about what works for you with OCD and your experiences. x

Hello Chociloni, I forgot to mention that I take an SSRI designed for OCD and depression and it's not easy to say whether or not my obsessions/compulsions have or have not improved, probably yes I would say because they are not as bad as when I was a kid.

There is one benefit, whether you want to treat this as beneficial or not, is that if you need to do any obs/compulsion in the house you're living in, these will stop and be replaced by another habit or ritual if you move to other living quarters.

I have a twin who doesn't have OCD nor suffered from any depression and for that, I am just so grateful and never ever said anything about my OCD and how I was behaving, it was an older brother who teased me, that's when I started to hide what I was doing, that's a long time ago and nobody except the doctors/psychologist know.

Playing sport at school as well as after, gave me the chance to be free of this illness only until it stopped, then it resumed while no one noticed.

My diet had been considered by the psychologist, but there was no emphasis based on this, hopefully, modern medicine can provide the answers we're looking for.

You can ask any question you like.

Best wishes.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi chociloni ,

I had OCD but have now recovered from it.... there is hope that you can recover aswell with the correct help..

OCD is a thinking cycle once you become aware of what your cycle is you can start to break free of it..

My recovery started from seeing a gp to seeing a clinical psychologist and physicist which led me to a group OCD therapy at a clinic that specialised in OCD...

have you tried meditation? This is great I believe it got me over the line for overcoming my ocd...

you are not alone many people have this condition....

I’m here if you want to chat or have any questions...

Hi all,

Mostly at the moment wanting help with 'catastrophising.' Any online resources?

Hi Petal22

Can you tell us more about your specialist OCD therapy please? I'm very interested to hear what techniques were used.

Hi chociloni,

in regards to catrasphonising once you become aware you are doing this you need to stop doing it.... bring your attention back to the present moment.... eg if you are washing the dishes... how does the water feel, what sounds do the dishes make..... this will interup your cycle.....

the more aware you become of your cycle the easier it will be for you to break it..... I highly recommend meditation this will teach you to become more aware of your thoughts and that they are just thoughts.... it teaches you that we arnt our thoughts but the bystander of our thoughts...... we are the watcher of our thoughts......

also if you are seeking reassurance you need to stop doing this.... reassurance seeking is part of the cycle...... also analysing your thoughts is part of the cycle..... so once you become aware you are doing this stop doing it.......

if you are checking things...... stop doing it..... this is part of the cycle..... put your attention onto other things in the present moment 😊

I went through ocd for a while before I could get a grip on the strategies but once you become aware of your cycle you CAN stop it......

You CAN learn to break free of the cycle it just takes practice.

im here if you want to chat 😊

I also recommend you see some one who specialises in OCD maybe see your gp to begin with and then a clinical psychologist who may know some one who specialises in OCD... ...... a group therapy for ocd is great it seems daunting at first but it was the best thing I ever did...