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- I never get listened to or taken seriously & Anxie...
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I never get listened to or taken seriously & Anxiety kicks in
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I always get told to stand up for myself and be who I am, I always seem to always get put back in my place, so many people in this world are over opinionated and don't just listen.... I used to be so bubbly and happy in life, but now everything makes me anxious, I don't speak up, because no one listens or cares what I have to say, I bottle everything in, then explode when it get to be too much and tend to just give up and feel like I am not worth it, so why bother.....
I over think everything, even if it hasn't happened, I worry over things out of my control and try to fix things that have nothing to do with me, I try to please people even though I tell myself no, but I just do it and now people expect that of me, I am my own worst enemy....
I can never stand up for myself, as I am always portrayed at the bad guy.....
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Hi Tabzzzzzzzzzzy, welcome to Beyond Blue forums,
you arent alone I can say. You dont mention any medication or doctors visits so I assume you havent chased that avenue up.
Cronic worry is a big concern as is low self esteem. Not fitting into groups is covered in another post here by me under the recovery section. Diagnosis is for the medical experts but it wont do any harm.
Reading your post again one of the best things you can do is read as much as you can here on this site. As you read you might draw some parallels.
Take care.
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Hi Tabzy,
Welcome, I hope here you won't have to stand up for yourself we are all very non-judgemental, and we also wont expect you to do more than what you can.
You've made a huge step in coming here, and sharing your experiences, and I hope that is with the intent to seek some support, understanding, and possibly some advise.
I'm wondering, like WK, whether you are seeing anyone to talk about your worries? Why bother? Because, above everything else, and contrary to what others might have you believe, you matter. Also because prolonged anxiety can also lead to depression, and it's easier to get onto it in the beginning than to let it fester and multiply.
I also want to point out that you've made a lot of overgeneralisations in your post, by using words such as "always", "everyone", "everything", and "never". Are there any situations which don't support such facts? In other words are there people in your life who don't expect too much from you? Are there times when you don't over think things? Are there times when you do stand up / have stood up for yourself? This approach to thought analysis is called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It's a really effective treatment for Anxiety, you may wish to explore it further online.
There's also a thread called SELF HELP TIPS FOR MANAGING ANXIETY under the Anxiety section of the forums, you might also like to look into some of the other suggestions raised there.
I hope we hear more from you.
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I do think you've talked too generally for us to really make judgements about what's going on. Maybe some concrete examples would help as far as us giving you advice, if you wanted any?
For now, I'm going to make some assumptions and give some general thoughts that may actually be completely irrelevant and useless to you 😛 .
When you say you "get put in your place" or "portrayed as the bad guy", maybe the people saying those things don't mean them as seriously or insultingly as they feel to you? As an example: Girls can be very sensitive about their appearances. It's this stupid culture. They consider their physical appearance to be a core aspect of their being, or something. So if I say "I don't like your haircut." to a girl, she might feel very hurt, like she's just been stabbed in the heart. As if I had actually said "I hate you. Everyone hates you. You are a terrible person. You are a urine stain on the blindfold of Lady Justice, and you should be banished from society.". When all I actually said was "I don't like your haircut.". And amazingly, disliking someone's haircut does not constitute my entire opinion of the person. I am a very dynamic person - I can hate their hair with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns, and at the same time love the way they pronounce the word "camembert", and admire their skill in archery. So I would suggest that the next time you feel like you've been "put in your place", don't take that one issue as the definition of the room's opinion of you.
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Thank you all so very much for your replies, it means heaps to me...
Although I gave absolutely hardly any information, you all made perfect sense to me and put things into prospective. I saw my doctor yesterday and he has put me on medication for anxiety, I am going to see how that goes.
I feel maybe since leaving the FIFO world for over 10 years and now going back to a normal city life has been huge for me, working in FIFO gives me an opportunity to ignore reality and now I am back in reality, I think send me back, but I can't keep running from my fears, I have to punch them in the guts..
I will try to work on not being listened to, one example is at work, I am working with a guy who is new to the company, he doesn't know the systems, so when I show or tell him how to do something, he refuses to take it on board and wants another opinion, therefore I second guess myself, even though I now I am correct, he also wants me to do things which is not part of company policy, I have told him I am not doing it, but his reply is "This is the way it is being done and I'm not arguing about it"... but this kind of thing can also happen to me in every day life, I may make a suggestion or comment, and it will automatically get brushed off or someone will speak over the top of me, maybe it's my approach to things and how I need to think about my words in order to capture people's attention....
PS: AGrace, I am definitely an overthinker 😞 I never used to be, but now my thoughts are practically taking over my world of happiness...
I have read allot of stories on here over the last few days and my problems in life are really not that hard and I have to learn to appreciate the life I have and I am ever so grateful for you all replying......