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I feel like screaming!!!

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
I can't stand these feelings - anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide - anymore! I feel physically sick and I just want to scream "someone help me!" Except who do I scream to? No-one seems to have any answers 😞 I'm so tired. I've lost so much. I'm so alone. I don't know what to do. I keep trying to just put one foot in front the other but it seems purposeless.
4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Katy

I am so sorry that you are feeling so frustrated and are in so very much pain, from what I can hear, you what might really help..to go and scream...outside, in a room, where ever..into a pillow...get it all out, yell and cry and just scream...sometimes it is such a relief and just takes the very sharp edge off.

I have no idea how you are feeling and I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am sure that you have mentioned before in other posts what treatment you are getting for your mental health and I am wondering if perhaps you could put a call into your GP and get an appointment. If you would like to chat there is even the wonderful people on the Beyond Blue call line that have some wonderful tools to help too, if you do want to chat and need to talk, they are on 1300 22 4636.

It is so very very difficult and there is no magic cure, I wish that there was so that people don't have to feel purposeless as you are, when that is so very untrue and these thoughts and voices are just that, they are not reality and are so very not true.

We care for you and I hope to chat some more to you Katy.



Thanks so much for replying. Sometimes I really just need to be here to post/vent/browse/reply in a safe space with like minded people. I ended up taking my medication to take the edge off and it's kept me below threshold until this arvo, when things seem a little less stressful. Have also made a GP appointment for next week, so I have something to "look forward to". Thankyou. You're appreciated!

Hello Katy..

Im sorry that your struggling so much with your mh...and I’m so happy that you have made an appointment with your gp....

Its so good that you are here..here is safe and I also vent or let out my feelings/thoughts etc..and it does help to know we are not alone...I have found the forums very helpful and have found a beautiful friend here I talk to. Lot...We help each other...

Sometimes that’s all we are able to do is to just survive the day by putting on step in front of the other..Well done Katy for doing that...I know how hard that can be sometimes....I live alone out in the county..and sometimes my thoughts scare me..so I try to distract them anyway I can...by putting on a song I know and like then as hard as it is I sing along with it...at the moment I’m making a large rag doll...when I get motivated to continue on it....which is not much..Other things you might want to try is internet games, something that keeps your mind on what your doing and away from SI thoughts...

We are here for you Katy..when you feel like venting or talking things over..this is a very caring community and I feel safe here...I hope you feel up to posting again..as I would love to get to know you...

Kind thoughts..and also sending you some love and comforting hugs..💜🤗...


Hi Grandy, thanks for your reply and those hugs (i needed those!!). Yeah, I think living alone is really hard when you have mental health issues. There's no human contact or distraction from gross thoughts. I haven't quite worked out what works when the really bad thoughts take over, so I've put in place some keeping safe strategies like sitting in my dr's waiting room or the emergency department waiting room until the feelings pass. I'm lucky as they are both 2 minutes drive away. I also have meds just in case. You're right - those thoughts are scary. It's like they come from some place that's not you. Thanks for your suggestions, I'm glad you have found something that works for you.

I've hit some speedbumps in life lately which I've put in another thread, so I won't repeat. But I'm feeling a little better today, so hopefully I'm on an upswing. I really appreciate your reply and I"m sending some love back out into the universe for you. I look forward to seeing you around here x