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How to deal?

Community Member
I feel like giving up. I want to and it takes so much not too. Ive had anxiety for nearly 10 years and I’m 24 yrs old, I can’t even hold a job and some of my friends don’t get how serious my anxiety has become. I have one friend who doesnt believe I have it and I can barely even leave the house, except for the odd occasion of a good day. Everytime i’ve seen someone I still feel like they don’t get me. My anxiety stops me from doing things a person my age should enjoy. I don’t know to keep dealing with it, I take my medication and everything, I go to yoga, but it’s still doesnt seem to be enough.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Redwolfe,

It certainly sounds like your anxiety is affecting you at present.

Are you able to pinpoint what is different for you on the days when you do feel better and able to do activities?

If you don't me asking, do you have a psychologist or a counsellor whom you see to help with your anxiety?

Some people who don't have mental health issues try to understand and other people don't seem to have much comprehension at all how anxiety can affect a person's life.

Beyond Blue have a lot of information on their website. You may find some information hat will assist you to understand your anxiety better and you may gain ideas of how family and friends can help and support you as well.

I find that when I read up about my conditions and look for ways to assist myself, I can learn new strategies and some days I do really well.

A psychologist once told me that accepting the unpleasant days and not hating them helps to reduce the control those awful days have on our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Hope you are able to reduce your anxiety, even if it is a little each day.

Regards from Dools

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

It's difficult when we don't feel understood. If you're talking about professionals here, shop around if you can until you find the right person. The 6th person I saw just "got me" and I've been with her ever since. As for other people, it's so hard to understand anxiety unless you've experienced it. I'm sorry your friends don't quite get it.

I would like to tell you that things can get better with the right help. Ten years ago I was where you are, having difficulty leaving the house, that's when I sought help. It was slow progress, I won't lie, but these days I can leave the house just fine and do a whole lot of other things I couldn't do before. Also, browse the forums here and see what else helps people - meditation, exercise, eating right etc. There is hope, just keep looking for what works.

Best, Kat