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Hoping for change soon...

Community Member

Hi all this is my first post.

ive been dealing with anxiety for a little while and had an escalation which lasted 3 weeks in January. I try to stay positive, see a psycologist, exercise, I'm on medication (only for a short period), be mindful and know that anxiety management takes time to master. My main issue currently (which I've had the whole time)is early morning waking with anxiety which leads to me getting physical symptoms, worry, constant thoughts but I ween it down with distractions such as watching my favorite tv show. 

i just want to go back to my old self full time! Any suggestions on what I can do to get on the road to recovery quicker and I just don't know how long it will take to have things more under control. Feeling frustrated. Suggestions welcomed...

2 Replies 2

Community Member
You are doing all the right things, and importantly, realize that this will take time. Distractions are very helpful and I use them all the time myself.               You say you have had anxiety for a little while. I hope that you and the Psychologist attempt to try and identify what was happening at the time which lead to this situation (I'm sure he or she will).                                                                                                                      The main issues you describe are symptomatic of those with anxiety and I understand your desire to get back to your old self. There are support groups that you can go to such as GROW. You can ring 1300 794 992 which is the number of the Anxiety Disorders Information line which will help you in finding what support groups are available to you in your area.                               Frustration, although understandable, will not help but acceptance of your situation, and honest, open discussion on your feelings with your therapist will. I wish you well in your efforts. Philip.

Community Member

Hi Lily Rose


Welcome to Beyond Blue and thank you for providing your post.


Philip has posted to you and provided you with a very helpful response.


When you say you’re experiencing early morning waking, is that the kind that happens around the 3am time-frame?  And then you possibly find it hard to get back to sleep?


OR is it a bit later than that, say around 5am?    If it’s the latter, I’ve heard that you exercise, which is awesome.  Perhaps that could be a time to get up and go out for a morning walk or jog?  Now with daylight saving finished, the light of a morning isn’t so dark anymore.  But hey, that’s just a suggestion.


And is it a constant thing you’re finding as well;  or just every now and then?


As Philip suggested, you ARE doing all the right things and so, yes continue doing those and also with regard to the medication, it’ll still take a little time for it to fully kick in as you’ve mentioned that you’ve only been on it for a short time.


Hope this has been semi-useful for you and hope to hear back from you.


Kind regards

