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Hope for those with panic attacks and health anxiety

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I’m a newbie here. I was diagnosed with health anxiety and panic attacks 2 years ago. I’ve seen a psychologist for half that time and I’m stoked to have it at a manageable level now.

Throughout it all what I felt helped the most was talking about things with others, no matter how big or small, so I wanted to get a thread going to talk about our successes, worries and setbacks to give hope and encourage each other.

My light bulb moment came when I finally realised what the worst possible outcome is: death. And if I did die because of that headache or tight chest or tingling or weird pain, I’d be dead so it wouldn’t matter. I started meditating for 10 minutes every day and found this got me in touch with my thoughts more so I could stop a panic attack/anxiety spell before it started. To the point where if I get that knot in my stomach I can say ‘oh you again old friend, you don’t scare me anymore’ and it loses power and goes away.

God there’s been some tough times when I didn’t think I’d get through. I've had every medical test under the sun and avoided everything and everyone. At the lowest point everything seems hopeless. All I can say is, don’t give up. We’re all in this together and it is possible to live a fulfilling life 🙂

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome to the forum. I am sorry it has taken a while to respond to your post. It happens and it has nothing to do with your post which is a great idea. Thanks for being honest and sharing your ideas of what works for you.

You are right that talking about our problems does help which why we have the forums. Just knowing you are not alone and there is support is so reassuring.

Something I learnt from the forum is that when I get all flustered and worried about everything, to start counting very slowly and do deep breaths. It helps to slow down my thoughts.

Thanks again Lauren . You may also look at other thread here on anxiety.


Community Member

Hello Lauren...I just wanted to add my encouragement and support to Quirky's. It does help knowing someone else understands doesn't it? even about the silly little everyday things that can seem so scary, compared to the major hurdles we get over in life. Those on here who have known me for a while, know it's the small trivial stuff that terrifies me sometimes. It seems so silly and immature to be scared of what others do effortlessly every day.

I've started meditating again for at least 15 mins if I can make it...yesterday and today i made 20 minutes...listening to one of my favourite Indian chanting meditation tapes...even find myself swaying to the gentle rhythms...........as you said we are all in this together. I am glad we all have each other.....see you round.