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Holiday ending and flight anxiety

Community Member


I'm looking for some support and advice. I'm currently in Queensland visiting family that I hadn't seen since pre covid, and I'm going home to Victoria tomorrow. 

I hate the fact that I won't see my mum's family for at least another years, and I also get incredibly anxious during flights. Does anyone have any tips for either of these things? 



2 Replies 2

Community Member

Good Morning,

I hope you're doing okay today, and if not, know that that's okay too! This is something I have to remind myself as well when feel overwhelmed and anxious. I think it is a natural human response to feel sad and unsettled when saying goodbye to loved ones for what may be a long time. That shows how much connection there is and how valuable these relationships are to you. Sadness is the right feeling sometimes.


Flight anxiety is also very common. I know several people (some very well) who avoid flying if possible. Mix in the sadness you are feeling and that's a pretty heady cocktail of difficult feelings. I know this maelstrom of feelings too, and it's really tough. Is there anyone you can share your feelings with at this time? Even via text can be useful to unburden yourself and benefit from some moral support.


I tell myself that my first job in life is to look after myself. Do what you know will help you manage your travel today, and remember that the feelings you are having are natural, human feelings that make sense in your situation.

Go well,



Mark Z.
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Bee,


I do understanding your feelings. I think it's a good idea to keep regular chat with your family over the phone/video calls, invite them to your Melbourne home, or plan a travel to a third place together.


And how was your flying back to Melbourne? Hope everything was fine. Feel free to update here 🙂

