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Help with nausea

Community Member

I have been dealing with another round of health anxiety for approx. two months. Now, I have started to become severely and persistently nauseated. I am getting very little sleep, so my ability to cope with my anxiety has also decreased. I would greatly appreciate any strategies that I can use to better manage this at home, or just to know that there are others who struggle with this. Thanks.


4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hi mandyb

its me again was just randomly checking in saw your name 😄 your not alone I feel yuck all the time to today my throat is all nice and tight but I'm trying to keep busy cleaning running around like a mad woman 😉 I went to a session yesterday with a psychologist and it was definitely what I needed she's going to give me some research tomorrow on health anxiety and strategies with more rational thinking so as soon as I learn any new coping strategies I will share with you all x

Community Member

You've just described my life lately!! I have such anxiety that I get nauseous and chronic stomach aches that I have had to take painkillers for they're that bad.

I've heard ginger can help, although I haven't tried it. You can get lollies etc. It's meant to help motion sickness so my help you. There's also the relaxation/mindfulness/meditation idea, which may help. There's lots of videos on youtube

Other than that, have you talked to your doctor, there are medications you can try if you want to go that route

I hope this helps some, let me know as I would be interested about the ginger 🙂

Thanks for the reply. I have been practicing mindfulness meditation for about a month and I also go for long walks. These give me some relief for the anxiety, but unfortunately not the nausea. It is so crippling.

I have an appointment to see my doctor next week, so will ask her about using ginger, as I too have heard that it helps. I am willing to try anything just to get my life back to some sort of normal.

I will let you know how I go regarding use of ginger.

Thanks for your help. It's a little easier when you know you are not alone. I am so glad I found this forum 🙂

Community Member

Thanks so much Ace! That's really nice of you to do that.

I am aware of my tight throat during the day, but I like to keep real busy too, yes, like a mad woman ;-). As soon as I am still, along come the thoughts. The nausea is manageable during the day, but nights are unbearable.

I'm glad you had a positive session with the psychologist. Take care x