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Health Anxiety

Community Member
I suffer a lot with health anxiety and I have just had blood tests done and I am freaking out waiting for results Can't eat just want to sleep feeling very low Does. Anyone else get this I feel such a weak person
6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Ukgirl

I am so glad you have asked this question and reached out for some support here, you know, I don't suffer "anxiety" as a diagnosis, but does waiting for results make me anxious..ABSOLUTELY. I think waiting to hear the outcome of something as serious as a blood test does start the thought train in our head at full steam. The thoughts of all the things that could be wrong and what if...and what if ....so to already be an anxious person and have to wait for results must be very scary.

Please know though that you are most certainly not weak, that test results are a cause for making people scared and anxious, I really feel like I could almost say "it happens to us all"...the fear of the unknown. Please try to do some things that you fall back on in time of your anxiety, I know that is easier said than done but not eating and freaking out is also a very huge ask on your body if infact you need to rest or take it easy if you are not well.

Try to perhaps reflect on times when you have waited for test results before, mostly they come back fine and the doctor will let you know as soon as they are able to. I dont know much about health anxiety and I have no idea the frustration and the concern you are feeling now but I am hoping that perhaps you have someone that you can chat to at home and help you through this waiting time.

I would like to chat to you some more and try to help you through this time, if you would like to chat some more.

Hugs to you


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Gosh yes! It's very common so please don't add that extra layer of stress onto yourself by labelling yourself weak. I'm currently worried because I've been requested to see my dr to discuss test results and I haven't had any done! lol (eek!)

Anxiety is quietened when we have control, but in many/most situations we don't. As AS has said, can you do some things that help you relax while you wait? I'm currently on the meditation bandwagon - I use an app. Helps with relaxation and quietening the mind. Best, Katy

Community Member

Hi many thanks for your very kind reply , not everyone understands why I am like this I get my results tomorrow 3/12 and have had to struggle to eat anything Yes its that fear of what If and I truly hate being like this Thankyou for being so understanding and replying



Thank you Katy I do try to meditate and turn off Not Easy!!!! Hope you go ok with your doctor I am waiting on Full Blood count to come back should know tomorrow hopefully Cant come quick enough Thank you for your kind input


Great to hear back from you Marion and I will be thinking of you tomorrow, feel free to drop us a line to let us know how you are feeling once the results are in, hope they bring you some peace.

We are here for you anytime at all, great to chat to you.


Community Member

Thank you Sarah will let you know the outcome praying all will be ok

