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Health anxiety

Community Member


So my anxiety manifests itself as health anxiety; I'm constantly worries whether my symptoms are a sign of something major, like cancer.

Currently my fear is ovarian cancer. I'm obviously not looking for medical advice, but more anxiety advice - I have pain in both sides where my ovaries probably are so I should go, but I'm terrified 1. Of the doctor seeing me that way because it's actually terrifying if I need some kind of gynecological thing done, especially due to my already low self-esteem, 2. Of going to the doctors (last time I went he could take my blood pressure coz it was so high from my nerves and anxiety) and 3. If it does turn out to be that.

I'm actually so terrified that I'm going to end up sick, but also of going to get checked. It's a horrible cycle and I don't know what to do!

I'm more writing this because if calms my anxiety to express it, but also if any one has any tips or ideas on how to continue?

Thank you x

4 Replies 4

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi PhoenixEmoria,

sorry to hear about your health troubles.

If you feel uncomfortable with men GP I would suggest to engage women GP for any gino type appointments. You can see more than one doctor. You can explain this to your usual GP if you are concerned about appearing disloyal.

Tests can be unnerving but they are just that, tests. It maybe a while before you have a diagnosis. With this you will have a treatment plan. However if you feel anxious as is right now, seeing a psychologist or councillor now would be of benefit. Firstly you would have someone to help you with the anxiety now and secondly you would have an established relationship with psychologist if you have some condition that requires treatments.you should not be going through this experience alone.

there are many ways to offset anxiety, the most appropriate to you would be suggested by your psych. Every person is different. However I am positive the following would be beneficial to everyone:

laughing as much as you can. Watch comedies, read, spent time with friends, social media, etc. however you can get.

be in the moment. How this works is your mind cannot be in 2 places at the same time. If you are 100% focusing on doing things in present time eg ironing, cooking etc you cannot be projecting thoughts in to the past or future.

Feed your preferred thought. The thought that comes to your mind the most is “feeding” on you giving it attention. Be rational and select your preferred thought and force it on and on until you can hold it. Results are not immediate but this training has long term benefits in ability of getting control of your thoughts and thus maybe effective in some types of anxiety.

Until your diagnosis, it is destructive to engage in hypothetical. Human mind has a talent of imagining the worst. Run a scenario in your mind with the most advantage to you.

at the onset of anxiety attact, force slow deep breath, hold, slow breath out, hold. Focus on breath and reapeat. May like to sit down or hold to something as sometimes it can give you light headed sensation.

if you suffer from pain, contact your GP for both pain relief medication plan and pain management techniques.

All the best

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi PhoenixEmoria,

I’m really glad you reached out. Your health anxiety sounds really debilitating and it must be so exhausting to have to deal with those constant worries...your potential doctor’s visit must be really playing on your mind, and that must be very difficult for you. I feel for you...

I think Vero has very kindly replied with some very helpful suggestions that you might like to consider...great ideas, Vero 🙂

In addition, I was thinking you might find this following thread helpful. It’s called Self help tips for managing anxiety. You might like to take a look for some ideas...You can find it either by typing the title in the BeyondBlue “search” or by finding it pinned at the very top of the Anxiety forums.

I’m glad you’re finding expressing yourself on the forums helpful. You can write any time you like...

Kind and caring thoughts.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi PhoenixEmoria,

Our minds can be very powerful the way they try to control our thoughts, like Vero has mentioned, we can over power those negative anxious thoughts with reality.

Also like Vero mentioned, is it possible for you to see a female Dr to talk about your concerns? If you are in a region with no female Drs for some reason, can you ask a family member to come to the Drs. with you?

I am certainly not a medical expert in any manner, but it is my experience that if you think you may have an issue with say your ovaries, your Dr may ask you to lay on his table and he will gently prod/feel your belly to see if he can locate where the pain is. This does not require undressing, just pulling up your top a little to expose your stomach.

If the medical centre has a nurse, you could ask if the nurse could be present for your appointment.

The Dr will refer you to someone if he thinks an investigation needs to occur. It has been my experience in this too, that these days if there is a male medical person assisting a female, then a female member of staff is in the room as well.

If you are too embarrassed or too anxious to tell the Dr what the issue is in the first place, than write it down before you attend the appointment and hand the Dr the piece of paper.

Hopefully others will provide different ideas on how to deal with your anxiety more.

All the best, cheers from Dools

Community Member

Hi PhoenixEmoria,

I too suffer from health anxiety and so I know that every time you get a pain somewhere you panic. Have you thought of seeing someone professionally to help you deal with your anxiety and fears? Speak to your GP about this and what your options are. I see a psychologist and that's the best thing I've ever done to help with my anxiety. Also, as suggested here by other contributors there are a lot of books on helping to manage your anxiety. Your local library will also have lots for you to choose from.

Keep chatting here on the forum, it does help heaps.

Best wishes
