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Health Anxiety

Community Member

hi all, I am new to this forum and it's the first time I'm reaching out to others in my journey with health anxiety. 

Health anxiety has ruled my life for over 15 years. I'm currently 40 and over the years I've concocted all sorts of health issues, undergone so many tests and I still walk away convinced that the medical world hasn't diagnosed me properly. Currently I'm convinced I have bowel cancer, MS and throat cancer. 

Its debilitating and I wanted to know if anyone has overcome this and how. I've been to 3 different psychologists over the years and 2 GP's and each have told me I don't need medication. 


14 Replies 14

Community Member
I hope you're feeling better x

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I'm new to these forums and I'm not sure if this will help me or not. I'm 17 years old and have GAD and health anxiety. A few weeks ago I had a cold, and my cough was lingering for a few weeks. I became extremely anxious about my health, worrying that I had lung cancer. Severe diseases and dying have always been big anxiety triggers for me. My cough has improved, but I started having intrusive thoughts about my health, like what if I have a terminal illness, what if I have cancer and will die a slow and painful death, and I keep imagining scenarios where I'm really ill and I have to say goodbye to my family and friends. These thoughts are persistent and I can't get them out of my head. I am also having physical symptoms like chest and rib pain, headaches, dizziness and fatigue, which is fuelling my anxiety more. I am crying a lot, I seem to be nearly in tears for most of the day. Last night I had a panic attack as I was scared of dying in my sleep. This anxiety is worse than it has ever been in my life and I really need help. I have a therapist that I've been seeing for a while but obviously due to corona virus I can't see her in person. My parents are getting very upset and worried about me. This anxiety is interfering with my studying, sleep, mood and life in general.

Please give me some advice

Hi Aurora,

Hang in there. Lean on your family at the moment and they may be able to help you.

I sometimes have fears of being sick too and really I am not but it is so scary and causes that chain reaction where we are worried and look for every physical feeling and attribute it to what ever the illness we believe we have at the time ending up in panic.

Arrange to speak with your therapist on the phone or zoom if you can.

I have the app Smiling Minds on my phone and that helps me slow my thinking.

Do things you love to do.

It is hard but we are often stronger than what we think.

This site is amazing so many people who understand - no judgement just a hand up.

Take care at 17 things can be confusing so be kind to yourself.

Hi Sarahbelle,

Thank you so much. I am arranging to talk with my therapist and I am staying strong.

Good on you aurora24,

Take care and feel better soon.