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Health Anxiety- What was your Original trigger? PTSD related?

Community Member
I had the worst health anxiety almost 2 years ago after my baby died- I thought I had everything and would google symptoms all day long- I went to emergency and the doctor a lot and had physical symptoms (heart palpatations, tingling hands and feel, muscle twitches, IBS) so I would latch on to everything. It was a living hell and I thought I knew what anxiety was as I never liked flying and the occasional social anxiety but compared to health anxiety those were mild worries. I'm so grateful to not be as bad now thanks to the right antidepressant. It still comes up occasionally and I just wondered what everyone else thinks their triggers for their health anxiety were originally? I honestly never knew it existed- I'd heard of hypochondria but I didn't think it was as bad as what I was going through. I live in a regional area so the support was pretty lacking- it took 5 months to get me to see a psychiatrist and that was only after I got private health care cover back. What do people who can't afford that do? don't be crazy and poor? It's appalling and heartbreaking that access to services aren't up to scratch in regional areas or to people who can't afford it.
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Community Member

Hi healthanxietylou,

Welcome to the forum. It is great that you are sharing your story. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. This must be so difficult. I am glad you finally have been able to get some support even though you had to wait for it. I also live regionally and have experienced delays in care due to where I live. I am not sure I have all the answers to your questions but wanted to acknowledge how tough it is for people who don't live in the city to get support. You are not alone. I wanted to share a few things happening in the country that I know of for your future reference but more solutions are definitely needed.

Across Australia there are organisations called Primary Health Networks. They commission (fund) services locally. One of the services must have 'Psychological Therapies for vulnerable groups'. You typically require a GP referral and then can see a psychologist (if there is one in your area), for free. I do understand that there are waitlists and transport issues for some people.

Under medicare you can see a psychologist via video under the Better Access scheme for people in more remote areas of Australia where psychologists may not be available. You can read more about this here: https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/mental-ba-telehealth

A program that supports people with anxiety is a Beyond Blue developed program called NewAccess. It is free and supports people with worry and low mood. It is only available in some parts of the country and you can find out where it is available by checking out this site. I know that it runs in some regional areas. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/newaccess

Mindspot is a free online treatment program that supports people with anxiety and depression. Anyone can access this over the age of 18. It is combines an online program with phone counsellors and has been helpful for many people. You can read about Mindspot by visiting this site www.mindspot.org.au

These are just a few of so many services that are needed in this country. I really appreciate you posting your story and highlighting some of these systemic challenges of the system. In the future, I hope that the mental health landscape is more connected and navigable for people who live out of the city centre.

I hope you are now getting the right support. I am glad you have found your way here to the forum as we are listening no matter where you live.

Wishing you best,

Nurse Jenn