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Health Anxiety and physical symptoms

Community Member

Hi I’m new here

I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression 7 months ago. I spent the first 5 months crying 6-10 times a day because I thought I had every cancer under the sun!!! I literally thought I was dying and because I’m a mum of 3 I couldn’t bare the thought of them living without me. I was under so much stress and my body has totally run itself down. I stopped work 2 months ago and slowly getting back on my feet.

My main symptoms were my glands and lymph nodes were so inflamed! I have a sore neck all the time but docs said it was my anxiety causing all this pain. It wasn’t until I saw my naturopath who told me my immune system is so low my glandular fever has come back.

However my muscles in my thighs and shins are so sore. My back is sore. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck and I’m over feeling like this. I would like to assume it’s just my body now recovering from all the stress it’s been under? You can’t even touch my muscles without it being sore! I’m scared.

Even though I know my body is going through some tough times I get scared it’s the worst case scenario. Does anyone else feel like this or has been through it?

5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hi Malaalsieh

l understand how you feel , l am now at the most wonderful time of my life one beautiful grandchild one on the way and a very happy marriage , but l fear that l will or could have cancer and every time l turn on the TV l am bombarded with bowel cancer adds .l recently received the kit to do the test and l'm waking in the night in sheer panic .As much as l tell myself l have no symptoms and no family history l'm still convinced l will be the one who gets it .l can't bear that l will miss seeing my Grandchildren growing up without me .l feel foolish and l can't tell anyone but reading what you are also going through helps me to know l'm not alone , l'm not sure what the answer is but me are not alone

Community Member

Oh my goodness Yogie I feel the same. My life is going so well that OF COURSE I will be struck down by one of my many diseases. Im currently obsessing over early onset Alzheimer’s (I’m 30) and it’s eating me alive! I have an 8 year old daughter and that terrifies me I might not see the same thing!

Take comfort in the fact you’re not the only one though!

Community Member

Malaalsieh! Welcome! I’m new too but can relate!

I had such a tough time with anxiety and my constant battle with my multiple fatal ailments

when my HA was at its worst, I was always sore and drained, and I realised it was from me always being so TENSE and unable to relax. Easier said then done but I hope it helps!

Community Member
Hi everyone,
I'm going through the exact same thing, glad I'm not alone in this!

Community Member

Glad I’m not alone!!

ive booked appointment with Doc on Tuesday to get this off my mind!!! The constant worry is driving me nuts