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Hangover anxiety

Community Member

I’m suffering terribly from hangover/cocaine use anxiety. This is a rare occasion for me to be involved in this type of evening but I’ve been suffering terribly from anxiety for the last 3 days. I dumped my entire life story onto people I know see everyday and I am so embarrassed. Can anyone suggest how to help this feeling go, or do I need to just run away?

Thank you.

3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi WombatGirl,

I feel for how you’re struggling so much with your emotions at the moment. I can imagine how uncomfortable and, as you said, embarrassed that must have been.

I think opening up can be very nerve racking, especially when we worry about what other people might think...

I feel it’s up to you how to proceed, but I’m happy to share ideas and you can see if you like them or not 🙂

Personally, I would suggest that you maybe try not to avoid them. I think sometimes things work out better than we expect...

I think it also depends on how you wish to proceed, if you wish for some “closure” (so to speak) then maybe it would be helpful for you to just have a quick chat e.g. “thanks so much for being there for me last time. I’ve been going through some stuff and just needed to unload.”

Perhaps just keep the conversation brief then maybe try to gently change the topic...just an idea...

Alternatively, I understand if that might feel a little too confronting. In which case, you could possibly just talk about other topics and see how they respond. I suspect, chances are they will follow your lead. If they do ask about or bring up last time, perhaps it’s just an indicator that they’re simply being caring 🙂

I would love to hear what you think of my suggestions. If you don’t like them or think they’re unsuitable, I can understand that. That’s completely justified...

I’m open to hearing your thoughts/comments, and anything else that you wish to share. That being said, there’s no pressure to reply. But just know that there is support if you need it 🙂

Kindness and care,


Community Member

Hi WomanGirl,

It certainly sounds as though this was a night that got away from you, and looking back on it you would do things differently if you could.

May I ask if you were the only person under the influence of illicit substances and alcohol? If the people you were speaking with in a manner you would not normally engage were also using cocaine and drinking alcohol, their is every likelihood that they have a skewed or distorted memory of the evening and as such may not be completely cognisant of the depth of your disclosures.

Pepper gave some valuable feedback that rings as very mature and true. Avoiding people is a temporary measure at best. It is sound advice to proudly present yourself, be mindful of any delicate or sensitive information you may have disclosed, and find a connection point where you can re-establish a relationship of value with your friends.

Most of all though, I just wanted to remind you that it's okay to feel a little weird about what occurred. Be kind to yourself, go through the temporary embarrassment and awkwardness that is normal in these situations, and find your way back to 'normal' - however that might look or feel to you.

Community Member

Hey WomanGirl I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m feeling the same right now. I had a big night drinking, I feel like I acted like an idiot, just being loud and silly, plus pouring my heart out to everyone, and most of these people I work with or see every day. I feel scared and anxious. I agree with the other comments, sometimes just acknowledging with those people and having a quick casual chat really helps me move on. I do still beat myself up because I tell myself every week that I’m going to stop drinking and never stick to it and then feel like a failure or that I’m weak or just a bad person.

Hope you feel better soon x