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Getting to sleep full of adrenaline/ heart racing/ anxiety without alcohol

Community Member

Hi Guys,

I’ve been struggling with anxiety for the last three years but was self medicating and making my anxiety worse with alcohol. I’ve been in denial that it was anxiety and thought it might be something more sinister.

I have stopped drinking during the week on advice from my psychologist but I’m struggling to fall asleep as I’m still full of adrenaline and other anxiety symptoms.

Does anyone have tips for getting to sleep? I’m so tired but so wired as well.

Its absolutely exhausting as I’m sure you all know!


2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Rosie.

One of the main problems i had with my anxiety/panic disorder was insomnia.

Its a vicious cycle of Anxiety stopping me from sleeping, and the lack of sleep fueled my anxiety, and around and around it go's.

I tried many things, but the one thing that has actually worked for me is melatonin.

Talk to your doctor about it, as you need a prescription for it in Australia, but it has provided me with relief from insomnia so its worth taking a look at.

I too self medicated for sleep, and it was a bandaid fix at best.

Community Member

HI Midean,

I do also self medicate . I have been in severe depression and had anxiety over 5 years. However, even though it is painful to admit, I do have tendency to heavily rely on substances like marijuana especially for sleep. That's why, i have been kind of distant to sleeping pills and sorts because I think I might get addicted to them considering how easy for them to put me to sleep at the time that I like. On the other hand, just like anything that is used overly in long period of time, I have built up and immense tolerance for marijuana and it is is getting harder to fall a sleep. It's been years that I have slept without TV on, because watching something or hearing sounds is the only thing keeps my mind numb enough to fall a sleep.

I am wondering what's your experience with Melatonin?