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Feeling scared

Community Member

Hi All,

Doing everything I’m meant to be doing to deal with the anxiety and depression yet still feel scared almost all of the time. Even logging into this forum as a first time user is challenging my emotions. Please be kind on your reply.

15 Replies 15

Another day of waking up scared, crying and feeling hopeless. This seems to be the norm now rather than the exception. Just can’t seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Have a loving family supporting me but it just appears all too hard.

the feeling of hopelessness and dread, the feeling that the world is a dangerous place where people are simply waiting for me to do something wrong simply to pounce on it and find me out for doing wrong.

Id like to think that I am a caring person, I help out, I’m polite etc... yet had some others claim the opposite of me in a work environment that has led to some pretty devastating feelings of doubt and mistrust. That has spiraled into some nasty feelings of anxiety and now the low points of feeling there is only a long road of hurt and heartache ahead.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Feeling lowsy~

I'm sorry it's not so good at the hte moment. You did ask about on-line chats, which as KittyCat23 said tend to be limited time. This Forum of course is not real-time and you an wait a fair while for a response.

Have you considered support groups in your area? -Our 24/7 Help Line on 1300 22 4636 may know of something in your area.

Trying to et out of hte feelings of hopelessness and dread is hard, however taking small steps may be the way to go. Setting yourself small targets to do despite your feelings. Maybe learning to use Smiling Mind to change your thoughts, maybe something more physical like a short walk.

Every time you accomplish one of these you have a success on your hands, and that in itself is positive. So what sort of things do you thnk might help?


Hi Croix,

I took your advice and called the 1300 number this morning as I started the day horribly. The health care professional on the phone was excellent. She helped me rationalise the situation and even got me motivated enough to get to the gym. Had a great workout and that combined with a professional chat has made me feel 100% better.

Thanks again for suggesting it. I’d seen it there but thought it was not for me for there must be people doing worse than me. But it was for me and I’m glad I took the plunge. Of course it doesn’t take the place of my regular psychologist but it certainly got me off to a far better day than I would have had otherwise.

So to you and those on the end of the phone line, a very big thank you. 👍🏼

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Feeling Lowsy~

As you know everyone here, including Community Champions, have their own difficulties. Your post realy gave me a lift and made me feel pretty good, so thank you.

Like you I've found a competent human voice has made a world of difference, and the fact you are already set up wiht a gym to go to is great, exercise has it's own magic.

I hope you won't hesitate to the same extent next time, help lines are there for you just as much as anyone else.


Community Member

I find this minefield of dealing with anxiety and depression so unpredictable. Had a terrible night’s sleep which has left me dark and sad.

all week I had been going so well. Joined family to watch the footy which meant a late night, which meant an unsettled night which led to a terrible morning.

Oh the price you pay for trying to have a good time with friends and family. Now I have the black dog follow me around all day reminding me that all is not as it should be in my world. It just takes such a toll on the ones I love. It’s just not fair and seems like an eternity until my emotional world balances out let alone be back to what I would hope for.

the dark cloud is just so unshakable and relentless.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Feeling lowsy~

I'm sorry things went downhill, it is so wearing and can appear endless.

I've found I've had to accommodate my condition and try to steer clear on known trouble spots. While this includes obvious triggers concerning events in my past it goes further to include things like not talking to someone who always has a very negative effect and also not using email because of the delay in any response. There is a very long list.

OK so the late family night watching footy did not turn out well, does that mean you can identify a particular trigger and work around it in future? While catering for illness is a right pain it can lead to a calmer and perhaps even a little more dog-free life.

What do you think?
