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Feeling like things are very bad.. Finding it hard to see a way out.

Community Member

I have a history of mental illness. I get allot of anxiety from sounds. I was recently diagnoses with agoraphobia and panic disorder by a psychologist who was helping to treat my anxiety caused by sounds. Quite early on the treatment I had to move interstate. It was quite hard to organise a new psychologist as it was the holiday season. The house I have moved to is very noisy.. After being here for about one month things kind of got so bad that I am now really bothered by noise outside the house to the point that going outside is very difficult and can easily cause a panic. Luckily I am finally moving in a few days to somewhere quiet.. I just hope that I will be able to get out of the house again like I used to. I'm really scared. I think I might organise a GP home visit once I move to the the new house... I'm just so distressed by how incapacitated I am right now.  Some days leaving the house are though but manageable.. Other days it's just totally scary. 


6 Replies 6

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Community Member

Hi Matala,

I see this is your first post and I hope that you get some feedback which helps you. I also have some anxiety which is a learnt behavior which I am currently in the process of trying to unlearn since I completed some CBT last year.

Because you were given a diagnosis I am assuming that you have seen a clinical psychologist. Is it possible to get in touch with this person and see if they can refer you to someone in the area where you now are who could continue the treatment if you found that it was helping.

It may not be a good idea to put off seeing a doctor. Unfortunately I know from my experience if I am caught up in anxious thinking it is very easy to find excuses for doing that things that might help me. 

On a more practical level if you are bothered by noise I think you can get noise cancelling headphones which might help you to control the environment so that you can at least have some periods of relaxation.

Hopefully there will be some agoraphobia sufferers who will respond to you. If not you might try a new post with that in the title.

Let us know how your going.



Community Member

Hi Matala,

Thanks for posting on the forum 🙂

I used to get anxiety from sounds when I was a child. Even today, I am a little more sensitive to loud noises than others. It's great that you have been to a psychologist. Hopefully you can see a new psychologist or counsellor where you live now. Grateful's suggestion of getting referred by your old psychologist to a new professional in order to continue your treatment is a good one. If you believe the treatment you were getting was effective, then continuing it is crucial.

Having a GP home visit is an excellent idea. It is a good sign that you are open to help. This will be a serious advantage in overcoming your mental illnesses.

Do you live alone? If you live with someone else, try to confide in them so they know that you are having difficulties. Having support from others is so useful.

Good luck with moving house, and feel free to post again,


Community Member

Thank you for they replies. 

 I did organise an appointment with a psychologist recommended by my last psychologist. I had an initial appointment with them but have been put on a 5-6 month waiting list. The psychologist they recommended were closed until mid January. I have sent them an email but they haven't replied. Anyway right now I kind of feel like I need to see someone who can see me at home or on the phone. I managed to organise a counsellor who dealt specifically issues that I am facing however after am initial session I am kind of unsure about her approach... But I am wondering if I should keep talking to her as I don't really have any options. I am trying to contact other psychologists who might be able to help me.. So far the first person I contacted is not taking new clients.. Hopefully I will have some luck with someone else. I did find a GP in my area who I think will do a home visit, although I don't see any indication that they have experience with mental health issues... There isn't anyone listed on beyond blue that is close to my new house. Anyway hopefully moving house will help to some degree. I guess it won't be as noisy and so I will have a break from thinking about noise.

GratefulToday, I have got a pair of noise cancelling headphones. They do help to some degree. 

I live with my partner, he is really supportive. I have also spoken to my parents about how bad things are for me, they're a bit more worried but also very supportive. I guess I hadn't thought that I had at least something going for me. 



Community Member

Hi Matala


Welcome to Beyond Blue and thank you for sharing your post.


That sounds like a really awful and difficult situation that you’re in and panic attacks can be so stressful and also just wear you out as well, as they can take a lot of adrenalin out of you – that you just feel kind of washed out.


It is heaps pleasing to read that you are soon to move to a new place;   that sounds like it might be this weekend – so at present, I’m guessing you’re in the packing up mode;  getting things organised and boxed up, etc.   In fact, while being a potentially stressful thing, it can (and is) be a time for real excitement as you’re moving to a new location and that can create good positives within you.  I hope that you’re finding that you’re looking forward to your move.   While I can sense that you’re also feeling anxious about how things will be at your new place, if you can try to look at the positive side of it, even a little, this might have some impact on lessening those feelings of anxiety.


Do you have sources of support close by you?   Family members or friends?   Someone to call upon if need be?    And again, with the move to the new place, will you have access to any of those kinds of support where you’re moving too?   Also arranging a home visit by a GP at your new location sounds like a very positive thing to organise.


I hope that you’ve found even a little bit from my post to you a wee bit helpful;  and above all else, I do hope you can write back again.


Kind regards



Community Member

Neil, thank you for your thoughtful reply. I think we must have posted at about the same time 🙂

I am currently house sitting and so all my stuff is already packed in storage. But I do see this move as one very big positive. At home I am generally fine however that can sometimes shift to feeling of despair that I will never improve. I guess it is good to remember that my perspective does change allot and so when I am feeling complete despair it is usually a temporary perspective.. Although it is a bit hard to shake off an overall feeling that I will never improve which I imagine is what is making this so difficult to get over.