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Driving anxiety

Community Member

First time poster, thanks for having me.

I've was diagnosed with GAD when I went into therapy after being diagnosed with epilepsy. I'm not currently on any medication or in any talking therapies.

My anxiety is again getting out of control lately mainly around driving. I drive to shops, kids school, friends house and that's about it. Anything else is just too much for me.

My question is can medication really help me? I'm not averse to it in any way but I can't, at this time, see how it can physically stop me from thinking about all the bad things that could happen or stop me about finding a park or getting lost. It's hard to explain what I mean, I hope I'm making sense.

Thanks X Roo

7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Roobot

Welcome and thankyou for being a part of the forums. It takes courage to post and good on you for doing so!

Driving/traffic anxiety is something I went through for years.....I understand your situation Roo. I made a silly mistake and avoided medication and counseling for approx 10 years and (just for me) the traffic anxiety became worse...a lot worse

I used to get the anxiety in traffic jams and freeway bank ups and it was awful anxiety as well

Can I ask you how long you have had difficulty in traffic with these awful anxiety feelings (attacks) ?

you are not alone

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hey Roobot,

I have never held a license!I get around via public transport or shanks pony lol.My reasoning was my anxiety could result in my harming others,so I chose the safest way for me.It has been 40yrs and I don't miss it at all.I work around it.

I don't know if you l

ive in an big city or not,but friends are quite accommodating. On the other hand,my children drive with confidence so each to their own!

Maybe a defensive driving course would help you?All I can add is that not driving has never restricted me.We live in a society where it is taken for granted that you do drive.When I say I don't the usual response is "what did you do to lose it"haha.

My advice is to do what feels right for you.

I hope you see my post not as a discoraugment to drive but to realize it doesn't define who you are or what you can do.

Strength to you.


Community Member

Thanks for your reply.

I've never really liked driving, I passed my test 10 years ago and I never really got over the 'new driver' nervous feeling. I've been in a couple of minor accidents that weren't my fault and one that was and since the last one a month or so ago the anxious feeling doesn't go away in between, it's no longer just when I'm driving, it's constant. There are other things going on right now too that aren't helping.

Community Member

Thanks Ruby appreciate it

There was a period of 6 months where I wasn't allowed to drive when I was first diagnosed and 3 months when my medication got changed. Just getting my kids to school on those days was a headache. Thanks to great friends and a timetable I survived it! I guess there is a huge expectation on us to be able to drive. I have friends who understand my reluctance and will come out of their way to pick me up and others who look at me like I'm crazy if I admit I'm feeling scared of driving just up the road.

I'd love to be able to feel confident to take my kids to birthday parties or go to different shops but I'm avoiding things like this and always have really.

Hi Roo

I understand it sounds incredibly boring but frequent driving will reduce any fear that you may have. After repeated exposure to driving (the fear) you may actually find it boring.....seriously

Your privacy is paramount here Roo. There is no judgement here as well so if you want to discuss any other matters you are more than welcome 🙂

my kind thoughts for you


Community Member

Thanks again. I drive every day, kids to school, shops etc. It's new places that are the worst for me. I expanded my repertoire so to speak until I was comfy and reluctant to take it any further as the anxiety seems to be increasing on its own right now argh.

Other issues are mainly to do with my 5 year old and his anxiety so didn't want to confuse issues on one post. Also my mum is in hospital in the UK and that's making me feel helpless right now.

Thanks for listening

Community Member
I'm going to see my GP today. 😬