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Did I have a panic attack?

Community Member


Im new here so very briefly I am a mum to 2 beautiful girls who are my everything. I also have a part time job that is exhausting but I love it. I’ve been with my husband for 17yrs and married for 12yrs.

i was abused sexually by my dad growing up which I never told anyone about until I was in my early 30’s and my husband cheated and I think I had a break down and told all.

we moved away and haven’t had anything to do with my side of the family since. My mother however has been trying to contact me, and last year the police got a hold of me as my dad was being charged. I opted to stay out of it all as I fear talking about it will bring things up and make things worse for me.

my in-laws have been very supportive and so have the friends I have told.

For a few years now I have been getting these moment of lightheadedness and feel a little panicked by them. They can occur anytime day or night with no warning.

blood test have confirmed possible hormone issues.. I’m not medicated but on natural herbs. Meds scare me.

lately I’ve been having marriage issues and contemplating leaving, work is full on and I’m exhausted and not sleeping week.

i do well at bottling things up and hiding things. People describe as happy go lucky and so friendly and chirpy.

yesterday at work I felt jittery, next thing felt my heart pounding and was quite tachy, I went pale and felt like I was going to keep passing out... yucky yucky and scary feeling.

Bloods and ECG came back fine. Got a referral for 24hr ecg halter and echocardiogram also need to see doctor for a referral to psychologist.

Did I have a panic attack? It just came on out of the blue.

i feel I’m starting to crumble and I’m so scared.

thank you for your replies

10 Replies 10

Community Champion
Community Champion


Hi. When I started a journey similar to yours about a year ago I had no idea what to expect. And while I did not start on medications I am on ADs now, and probably feel better for it (except the side-effects).

For myself, I might have been lucky, but I found my psychologist to be very supportive and helpful. It may/will take time (at least for me) to see results, but it is worth it. I still have good and bad days, but working on it. I wish you every success with this new journey,
