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Chest Pain and indigestion

Community Member

Hi all,

I have panic disorder along with health anxiety and IBS for quite sometime now.It has gotten worse over the last 2 years due to some difficulties.

i have been getting constant chest pain/tightness along with indigestion issues similar to acid reflux minus heart burn feeling.

i have been to the dr’s and had a ecg.It all checked out fine and they put back down to my anxiety and gord.

I don’t believe that gord is the cause of my issue rather that the anxiety is causing the symptoms, however, often I wonder if it can be something more.

I know that chest pain is quite common with anxiety but I’m wondering if anyone is facing the symptoms that I am facing?

Tightness in the chest like trapped air in the chest and stomach area. Almost like air is going to cause me not to breathe which evening sends me to the restroom.The only thing that kind of gives me relief is massaging the area with pressure and sometimes a visit to the toilet.

Any help or any suggestions on what have worked for others would be much appreciated.


6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hi Sun-b,

Health anxiety is so difficult because it doesn't really matter what tests are negative or what the Drs says, your brain keeps telling you that something is wrong.

I had similar symptoms a few months ago and also had an ECG etc. My doctor prescribed something for reflux but I didn't feel comfortable taking it. I ended up seeing my physio (about something unrelated) and she said it was related to the tightness in my back. I was pulling my chest / diaphram muscles. I started doing some more stretching and less crouching over my computer and it really helped!

Kind thoughts, Jess

Community Member

hi sun-b,

i feel and experience the exact same symptoms that you do for health anxiety / anxiety in general. i've been checked out and had xrays blood tests ecg etc and everything is fine but i still experience those symptoms that are most likely brought on by anxiety and my inability to let that to. it has been notably worse recently. my dr gave me acid reflux tablets as i had the same symptoms of those and they helped a bit but i'm very confident it is anxiety caused.

it sucks. and i have no idea how to get rid of it. i've started yoga and it has definitely helped heaps with tightness so maybe look into that?


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Sun-b

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to post too! Really great support from Jess334 and adarkbloom above as well 🙂

I understand your symptoms as I used to have them for a few years and they are awful to experience. You are proactive with your health by consulting with your health professional...excellent

Your symptoms are very common to have where anxiety issues are concerned Sun-b. I have attached an excellent thread by a member like yourself asking about 'physical symptoms of anxiety' Its a long thread yet there are many people posting with the same symptoms as you and I have


I really hope you find 'Annabays' thread topic helpful

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Thanks Jess.

I think i will try a Physio and see if that helps.

What back muscles was it in particular?

I won't be surprised if it helps as the only relief i can get at the moment is from doing stretching on a roller.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Sun-b

Just a polite note...I placed the link above for your benefit so you can see the people that also have the same symptoms (including the pain) as you and I have....Anxiety can tighten our chest muscles and cause pain

Its a super long thread yet I hope it is of help...(as a reference for you!)

you are not alone Sun-b...Once we get help for our anxiety the pain (our muscles) does lessen in its severity

my kind thoughts..Paul

Community Member
I am doing CBT therapy but finding it hard to do the exercises with chest pain and indigestion issues.