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- Can depression and/or anxiety really do this to yo...
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Can depression and/or anxiety really do this to you?
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Can depression and/or anxiety make you believe things that are completely untrue??
I've been anxious and depressed for half a year now, and some of the things my mind has convinced me of... it's caused me a lot of distress. It's as if there's this section of my brain that holds all the many things I'm anxious about... and inevitably at some points of the day, a couple will be released, then the next day, another couple worries will come to my attention.......
and right now i realise that these worries i have are so incredibly unrealistic and untrue... but the thing is, when i'm anxious, or when my anxieties are staring me in the face, gee i really, REALLY believe them.. i'm not exaggerating they seem so real.
there was once a time where everything seemed so clear to me and i was really happy with my life. now I'm just plagued by constant worry and over thinking, and it's really ruining my life.
My anxiety's convinced me my relationship's over, and that i'm not enough, but i know this isn't true, coz every time the idea of breaking up with her comes to mind i just shut down, cry, and don't want the world to exist. My anxiety's convinced me that I have feelings for a friend i've had for years (even though i never felt anything for her in the past) n I know I definitely don't like her in that way. I once believed I had a brain tumour from a headache, which sent me into a panic attack that only my girlfriend could take me out of. I've been convinced that I'm gay, that I don't love my family and they don't love me, that I don't love my girlfriend.. and much more that I'm too embarrassed and ashamed to say..
I know these all sound silly, but trust me when I say this, when I'm not feeling well, I will genuinely believe all of them, they seem and feel really real in the moment, even though right now as I'm typing it, I can't help but realise how ridiculous it all sounds.
Every day's just a constant battle in my head, and it's emotionally draining n ruining my life.
so i ask, can depression and anxiety do this to you?? can it make you believe illusions or things that aren't actually real?
sorry for the hefty message.
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Hello there,
So glad you joined us today.....yes I think depression and anxiety can do exactly that...it's horrible isn't it? I am sure there are more experienced, knowledgeable folk here who can and will give you much more valuable advice and support than I can.....but just wanted to let you know I tend to do this too.....although not quite to the extent that you have gone through....my heart goes out to you.
I seem to "imagine" all sorts of ghastly scenarios of "what could happen" and then they become so real, and so possible that I believe they are "probable".....it may be called "over thinking" or "obsessive thoughts"....I found some useful material about it on BB website......but it is a terrible spiral we can get ourselves into......are you seeking any professional help with this.?...because I can see your suffering and anxious thoughts in your lines.....please let us know how you get on.......wishing you some peace...and to know that I do understand..even a little......bye now.........M
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Hi Smithsons,
Yep, sounds like your head is full of all sorts of worries. Two of the questions you asked are really important and ones I have had to face up to. Am I exaggerating? Are these things true? The thing is when anxiety takes hold is that I blow stuff up bigger then reality, it does seem real, and the world seems more dangerous. Sure some of it is true for me, but I don't in any way have it in perspective.
Right now what relationships are there and supportive? Those people are so very special.
Do you think you could go and get some support from your GP or a psychologist to talk this through and explore if medication is on the right track?
What little things can you do that feel ok or good? For me that is walking places, getting into the garden.
On the sexuality question. I can't answer it for you, but I think you would be better placed to know the answer when the anxiety has been debt with. Whatever happens to be the case it can get better. If you are with a girl and love her and that is what you want, that is what you can do. If you like men too, well that is interesting, but I don't think it changes the reality of your love for the girl in your life.
So what next? I think it helps me to be brave enough to go to the GP and say something like, "I'm worried I might be a bit anxious." You know, just enough to start the conversation.
Hope today was OK.
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Im always reading but never reply, i made an account now just to reply, I am exactly in the samething yes its hard hard to know if anxiety can do that because of how overwhelming it feels but it sure CAN !, you feel so powerless against them although you know they are ridiculous. It felt like i was reading my own, it felt to much i couldn't sleep so i opted for temporary sleep meds to get me through the night, i couldnt function on sleep deprivation.. have you have a stressful situation? I went to my dr and he just told me i had generalized anxiety disorder which my divorce exasperated..
My worries consists of no sleeping (then fall in a anxiety sleep cycle), how sleep deprivation can affect my studies and worry I'll fail, what if my sleep meds stop and i can't sleep, what if i stay like this and the most annoying one, what if i worry myself about to meds not working that they stop working then i wont sleep...
If your anxious it can affect you're thoughts and even bring them on, much like being angry or any type of emotions
My gp heard me today, made me feel a little better, he put on anti depressants, I'll be seeing a psycharist for the first time tomorrow so i hope i can get somewere dw you're not alone
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Hey Moonstruck, I appreciate your reply mate.. I too find myself imagining what could happen one day in the future (it's always something bad) and turn it into a probable scenario.. I'll think and analyse all the reasons and ways it could come true.. and just like u said, I can really spiral myself into a dark hole of fear sometimes.
Hi Rob, thanks for the reply.. For as long as I've been this way I've had this hope that it's just gonna go away on it's own, with time, or at least ease a little... but i guess not hey? I have thought about seeing my GP, but I seem to just get too nervous for it. My GP is my family GP and they have no idea what's going on with me... and i know this might sound stupid but i've only ever been to him for physical illnesses, so the idea of mentioning something about my mental state to him just seems startling coz I guess I wouldn't know how to approach it or start it up.
Toula, thank you so much for creating an account just so u could reply to my thread. wow ur second paragraph is quite literally the way I think most times about everything. I'm really sorry that you're suffering through this as well... i know it's really scary.. i wish you the best of lucky today with ur appointment
sometimes i can just feel really sad n lost... my head can really send me to a dark place at times. Almost every day there's a point where I take a deep breath and break a part.. i'll sit on my bedroom floor, sometimes crying, and I'll just reflect on my life lately.. how it's so different and filled with worry.
thanks for ur messages guys, it helps a lot more than u think to know there are other people out there who understand.
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Hello Smithsons
Nice to talk to you again!
Toula>>>>>>>Welcome to the forums!
There is great advice written above so I wont repeat what other members have mentioned.
Smithsons....Sometimes a 'tired' mind that is suffering depression thinks up all sorts of thoughts. You are very much like others with your thoughts. I have had depression for many years and you are not alone here.
Have you seen a GP on this? I hope you have as they can be a huge help. Like Toula mentioned ..seeing a GP..and also the AD's can be a great help in taking out the lows and provide you with a platform on which you can heal further.
It would be great if you could get back to us 🙂
Kind Thoughts
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It felt so good to listen that other people face similar issues like me...
So good...
My relationship got unstable and I used to overthink like hell... Some situations used to trigger anxiety attacks, fear and panic. And after months of facing these attacks at very frequent basis i found myself remembering about some older incidents of my past. I used to feel so guilty that my love dosent know about them and so i would tell her that this this has happened with me. As these incidents consisted of some other girls, this would make my partener isnecure, further souring our relation. Her and my insecurities had a toll on our relationship. After recovering from my insecurities and fake assumption (like everything is fake, everything is plausible, very negative thoughts) i spend more than 2 months helping my partener recover from hers.... She helped me when i was low... She helped me when i used to think that i dont love her and my god now i know what effects those statements used to have on her.. Her insecurities and anger made her do things which made me more insecure and angry...
But those 2 months in which i was calming myself, understanding the damage i did and at the same time helping her, those months werent easy at all.. Coz there was so much aggresion from her side, so rude behavior that my mind used to trip...
She would leave the chats in mid of night and that would leave me alone in anger, fear and panic...
I used to have anxiety attacks whenever i used to sense that something bad is going to happen... After so tough period in our relationship ...
I started having same problems as u have...
I battle myself,i love my girl so much... but many times i say that i love her, i ask myslef the name of girl i love...
It is so... i hate this ...
i hate this... this prevents me from loving her... gives me sooo much guilt, so much :'
After 3-4 months full of fears, anger and negativity we are at better stages... issues resolved
i want my this issue to be goneeeeee, forever
i cant keep questioning myself, THIS DOSENT HELPPPPPP.
It sometimes even convinces me plausible things...
I cant use her help this time.. i cant make her go through all that fear
coz i fear that all this would make her more insecure and more anxious... i wont be able to help her and myself if she has similar thoughts that i have...
I know why they happen... but they have happened a lot and upto an extent that sometimes i feel i dont love her nd dont wish to be with her...
i want them to end...