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Brain/flu fog

Community Member
Hi everyone, I am suffering from the dreaded brain/flu fog after contracting a flu like virus 5 weeks ago. Seems I have had a reaction to my super flu shot that us oldies are getting. The fog comes and goes, but it feeds into my anxiety which is mostly concerning my health. I have battled with the dreaded anxiety for about 4 years now and see a clinical psychologist who happens to be on holidays at the moment. My biggest fear is that the rest of my life will be spent in this fog and it will never leave. I know the feelings are probably unreasonable and I try and talk myself around with positive talking to my brain, but then the doubts sneak back in. Anxiety is such an insidious creature. Unfortunately for me, this is how my anxiety originally began after a misdiagnosis and treatment and I was sick for quite a few months. My GP is supportive, but I don't think she really understands, says I'm panicky, which I am. I have a referral for CT scan if this doesn't clear up in the next week. Yikes!!! Any help or suggestions to ease my anxiety would be most gratefully accepted.
11 Replies 11

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi roogirl,

Your 4 years with anxiety must have been very unsettling and exhausting. Although it sounds as though it has worsened recently because of the brain fog...

I suppose that’s the thing about anxiety, it’s hard to “reason” with “it” as you have noticed. I feel a lot of people can relate to this...it’s as though anxiety plays on our fears by magnifying it 1000 percent. At least that’s what I think from my personal experience anyway.

I’m glad you have professional support in place although it must be difficult for you that your psychologist is away at the moment. I was thinking maybe in the mean time, you might like to make good use of helplines like Beyondblue on 1300 22 4636 plus other ones too. I know it’s not the same as seeing your psychologist but sometimes talking to a phone counsellor (especially between appointments) can be helpful. It can help to have a caring ear to unload a little. Just a gentle suggestion...

Also there’s a thread that you might find useful. It’s called self help tips for managing anxiety, which you can find by either typing it in the BeyondBlue search bar or by finding it pinned at the top of the Anxiety forum.

And of course you’re most welcome to keep talking here on this thread or elsewhere. You can share, vent, ask questions, connect, etc here if you find it helpful 🙂

kind and caring thoughts,


Hi Pepper,

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Yes, I'm finding it difficult without my psychologist being here so may take up the phone counselling suggestion. Just need to know that at the end of the day, the brain fog will clear away together with this awful virus. On top of this I'm dealing with having just retired in the past 4 months. I have involved myself in volunteering 3 times a week, but miss the routine of going to work everyday, not necessarily the job. At 69, I was just worn out. Got lots of stresses going on like everyone has, but not coping very well with them I'm afraid. The illness has just compounded everything into a big black hole.

Anyway, Pepper once again many thanks...


Hi roogirl,

It’s lovely to hear from you again and you’re most welcome 🙂

I’m glad you’re considering the phone counselling option. Hopefully it helps especially with your psych being away.

The illness and brain fog sounds terrible. Yes, I feel we all need hope that the horrible things will go away at some point...let’s hope they both lift for you at some point.

You sound so worn out and the brain fog/illness was the last thing you needed on top of a huge adjustment period on your life. Retirement is a big deal; I’ve heard that a lot of people take a while before they find their “rhythm” as it can be hard to transition out of full time work. You’re clearly feeling the pains of this transition...plus other stressors too.

If it helps, keep talking here. Venting is okay too. Just whatever helps...you’re always welcome to write as often as you like.

kind and caring thoughts,


Hello once again, well. I'm back posting after a very strange, sad day with the dreaded anxiety kicking in full force. As I said in my previous post I have been sick with flu like virus for weeks now and brain fog coming and going. Woke up this morning feeling pretty awful and crying off and on all day. My family are wonderful and very supportive, but I feel like such a burden on them. I feel like my life has caught up with me at the minute. As I have said recently in a previous post I retired 4 months ago and it's a huge adjustment, plus I'm still battling with Centrelink for my aged pension etc etc. One of the wonderful contributors to this forum has suggested that I ring the help line and speak to a Counsellor, but not sure I feel brave enough to do that right now. My own psychologist is away until the end of the month, and I'm feeling lost. Can't seem to shift the anxiety from my stomach or stop crying. Having a very bad day. Maybe, talking about this on the forum will help?

Hi roogirl,

I’m very sorry it has taken me a couple of days to reply but I’m here now 🙂

You sounded very overwhelmed in your last post. Anxiety, sickness plus sadness and adjusting to retirement. That’s a lot for any one person to deal with...

I feel it’s understandable to find it nerve racking to call a helpline. Maybe still keep that idea in mind in case you’re feeling more up to it later on...

Writing here is most welcome 🙂 A lot of people regularly or sporadically write to connect. It can help to have a supportive sounding board here...

How have you been doing since your last post?

Kind and caring thoughts,


Hi Pepper,

Thanks for getting back to me, great to hear from you. I'm not doing too badly at the moment. Of course the anxiety comes and goes, a bit like the dreade brain fog. I think my virus is slowly on the improve, but not quite gone yet. I did end up emailing the support service and they contacted me back within a couple of hours which was great. Suggested I contact my GP to discuss my issues. My GP knows my history very well, but I feel like she isn't taking my condition seriously. To say to someone who has anxiety and was hospitalised 4 years ago because of it that I'm just panicky is not helpful. I may look for another GP in the near future. I'm also one of those people who can't take medication for the condition, so I really have to battle it out. Yes, my retirement has hit me as a shock even though I was so looking forward to it. I miss the routine of working and my friends. I don't miss the job as such. I am volunteering 3 days per week, but all of this takes time. I realise that my virus has made me feel worse and the brain fog freaks me out. Hopefully, the next few days will see an improvement all round. I'm doing the best I can do for the moment.

Once again Pepper, many thanks for your ongoing support. It means a lot


Hi roogirl,

You’re most welcome and, as always, it’s great to hear how you’re doing.

It must have been very disappointing and frustrating that your GP seemed to just brush you off, and not take you seriously. That must have stung...yes, as you said, keeping an open mind about maybe seeing another GP might be a good idea.

As I said earlier, I feel it’s such a huge transition to go from full-time work to retirement. Maybe, in a way, your work routine (as well as the regular social side of it) was a huge stabilising force in your life...but that routine has been disrupted now that you’re in retirement.

I was wondering is there any chance you can try to see if you can get in touch with some of your former colleagues/work friends? Maybe you could suggest doing something fun with them (i.e. maybe not right now but perhaps when you’re feeling better). Just an idea...

It sounds like your brain fog/illness is exacerbating everything else. I feel sometimes when we aren’t feeling very well, it just intensifies all our other feelings...

Sending caring thoughts your way...


Hi Pepper,

As always lovely to hear from you. Well, I'm still struggling on this end. Been back to my GP once again during the week as coughing, feeling awful etc. She was very supportive this time. I'm on another course of antibiotics and she acknowledged that my anxiety levels were high and what could she do to help. Have explained that I may need to come and debrief with her while my psychologist is on holiday and she has supported me to do that. I'm also feeling continually exhausted. I have had a series of blood tests and all normal which is good. I find my anxiety very exhausting, it uses up what little stores of energy I have. I've also still got brain fog which comes and goes as I said before and I find all of this very frustrating. The strange thing for me is the anxiety makes me feel very alone and lonely. I've lived by myself for many years now and usually I'm fine with this, but when my anxiety is in full swing, I become afraid and feel isolated. In reality, this is not so, my family are always there for me, but I guess at the end of the day I'm by myself and as I become older this feels challenging. Sorry, I'm rambling on a bit here Pepper...........

Your insight into my retirement is spot on. When I'm feeling better, I will go up and see/catch up with my work friends. They are always asking me when I'm going to come up and see them. They are such a lovely bunch of people. They even sang a group happy birthday to me recently on the phone. I was very touched.

Well, that's it from me for now. As always thanks for caring.


Hi roogirl,

It’s great to hear from you 🙂 I don’t think you were “rambling” at all. I think it can be cathartic to sometimes share what is on our mind. So by all means, continue writing and sharing as much as you like...

I think your GP sounds wonderful. I’m so glad she has been so understanding and supportive. Good on you for being so open with her about how much you’re a struggling. That’s very brave in my opinion.

Yes, I hear what you’re saying. Sadly, I feel anxiety is so good at overwhelming us. It seems your anxiety really does bring out those lonely feelings in you...that must be awful. Plus you don’t have the daily work interaction anymore because you used to have guaranteed company 5 days each week. I wonder if that’s part of the loneliness...

As I said, you can write any time you like. It’s okay to chat, vent, etc. I feel it can be good to let some of our emotions out...

Kind and caring thoughts,
