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Being told i have anxiety

Community Member

Hi Guys,

Looking to see if anyone has had the same or a similar experience to me.

In January this year i had what was apparent to be a couple of panic attacks which really threw me. I have never experienced anxiety before and had no idea what was happening to me. I didnt feel anxious, didnt feel as though i was particularly worried or depressed about anything, and this all just came out of the blue, almost like a brain malfunction.

After the first attacks, i had extensive testing on everything- heart, MRI, blood tests, neurologist visits, opthamologist, 3 x different GP's etc, all showing that i was perfectly healthy. Everywhere i go i get the same answer which is being told i have an anxiety disorder.

Since the initial attacks and being told that i have anxiety, my fear of not knowing what was happening to me has gone away and i no longer have full 'attacks', but it seems now that i have intermittent stages of my symptoms, which ill explain below, that will hang around for a month or so and then completely leave me for a month where i feel 100%

When i am in a bad state i cannot place thoughts together. I can't do my work at my job, I feel pressure in my head and feel my breathing become inconsistent, sometimes shallow and short of breath. Lately i have also began to get headaches. There is never a moment or issue that triggers this, i will just wake up one morning feeling fine, then by lunch time get the feeling. It will then hang around for weeks on end and like i said, go away over another month for no apparent reason.
I have been put on three different types of anti depressants to try to combat this but all have been ineffective or made me feel worse.

Anyone with any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi jmc2

It's definitely frustrating when our body's 'doing it's thing' and we have no idea why.

I can remember some years back going to the GP and explaining my symptoms. Always started with mild pressure through the sinuses, followed by a spaced out super relaxed feeling, followed my some bizzarre ramp up in energy throughout my body (hyperactivity), leading to numbness down the left side of my body. I'd lose the strength in both my hands. The GP said 'It sounds like you're having anxiety attacks. I'm going to put you on meds'. I refused, saying 'I don't get anxiety attacks' but he wouldn't listen and was frustrated over me not wanting the meds.The weird symptoms were gradually getting worse. At one point I thought I was having a stroke and called an ambulance. They ran tests but everything was fine. Saw another GP who ordered a brain scan. The timing was incredible, I was actually having one of my episodes in the MRI machine. The conclusion - Silent Migraines (migranes without headaches). My brain was messing with my body's systems.

It's definitely a weird sensation when you can feel the blood pressure actually changing in your head and feel your nervous system ramp up for no obvious reason. I don't get the migranes anymore by the way. Can't think of any obvious reason for why all this came about other than the possibility that I was in some pre stage lead up to peri menopause. It was all rather mysterious.

Can you think of any changes that have come about in your life, even ones that appear to have no obvious connection? Maybe the specialists are looking at the wrong systems. For example, maybe it's your endocrine system playing games with your body. Maybe it's related to something being out of place in your back (spine), sending some strange signals to your brain. Maybe something's put things out of alignment. A lot of maybes, I know. I know it sounds a little strange but I can't help but wonder whether something in your life has brought about a shift in your perception. In some cases, this can be enough to tweak the brain's chemistry and behaviour, taking our overall body along for the ride.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Just wanted to let you know that I get where you're coming from - you don't feel anxious about anything but your body's giving the impression of anxiety. Wishing you all the best on your quest for answers.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi jmc2

I was thinking of you this morning when I suddenly felt a shift in pressure in my head followed by a sudden rise in energy in my body. Because I've come to observe sensations in my body objectively, I thought 'Ooooh, this is a bit weird. Wondering what my body's doing'. Not sure if it was due to the Barocca I took this morning, combined with a new fish oil vitamin, on top of the fact I've gone back to wearing my sleep apnea oral appliance but something was creating a shift I was sensitive enough to feel. I know I may sound a bit weird, being an observer of my 'chi' but I'm not entirely out there. If I was having sudden sharp pains in my chest, I wouldn't be thinking 'Well this is fascinating', I'd be calling the paramedics.

Another possibility occurred to me, in your case. There's a lot of research being done these days on the effects of gut imbalance. When our microbiome is out of balance, it can create a bit of havoc in the rest of our body. Evidence suggests an imbalance can even cause migranes and anxiety, among other things. While pre and probiotics seem to be all the rage at the moment, for some people they are a must when it comes to regulating our overall body. Wondering whether you've considered seeing a dietician who might be able to spot a few key influences in your diet, when it comes to function.
