
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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RainbowStars I've hit rock bottom
  • replies: 6

As the titles states, I've hit rock bottom. I've got GAD, depression and (suspected) OCD. The GAD/OCD I can remember from a young age, the depression hit me when I was 25 (2010) and I had post natal depression, after having my first child. It took 5 ... View more

As the titles states, I've hit rock bottom. I've got GAD, depression and (suspected) OCD. The GAD/OCD I can remember from a young age, the depression hit me when I was 25 (2010) and I had post natal depression, after having my first child. It took 5 months with counselling (no medication) and I fought through it and recovered fine. Then I had another episode of GAD/Depression in 2012, which lasted about 5-6 months. This was brought on when I thought there was some issues with my son, and I got very overwhelmed. Thankfully, the issues with my son were a false alarm and he is fine. I also got through that bout of depression with counselling (no medication) and recovered. Fast forward to June 2016, I've had a personal issue within my family that can't easily be resolved. It all became too much in June and I suffered a huge panic attack (in the car) 2 hours from my home, on a day out, which landed me in hospital, as I thought I had a heart attack. Everything checked out fine. I'd had a panic attack. I haven't been the same since. I've had panic attacks constantly, anxiety symptoms heightened and have just been totally overwhelmed, which has flaired up my GAD/Depression and OCD. I have tried for 5 months everything under the sun to fight this and I'm exhausted. I don't feel like myself since and my OCD /anxiety thoughts have gone into overdrive. I don't live in the present, I live in my head. It's terrible. Before all this, I was anxious, but coping fine and now I feel like my life has changed and I don't feel I will get better. I'm terrified of medication (SSRI), that's why I never take it, but my GP and Counsellor have said that my state has become so highly anxious, that an SSRI might be the best thing for me. I have been prescribed medication, and stupid idiot me obsessively researched so many forums on the medicine, and read so much both positive and negative stories about it, and now I am literally terrified of it, but I can't go on like this anymore. My concerns with it are: addiction, will it change me forever, could it make me psychotic, side effects, and also the possibility of it not making me feel any better and I'll feel like this forever. I feel like researching so much about conditions has made me worse. I wish I had never looked at anything on Google! I feel so alone. I'm lucky to be surrounded by loving and supportive parents, my 2 kids and my loving fiancee (who doesn't suffer mental illness). I feel so alone and lost...

PeeTeeEssDee44 My friend was judged intoxicated while having a panic attack on Melbourne cup day and made to leave. She had one cider.
  • replies: 2

This was told to me yesterday by my very close and dear friend of 39 years. She went to the races on cup day which would have been a huge effort for her. She suffers profoundly from acute anxiety disorder and went with her friend as going alone wasn'... View more

This was told to me yesterday by my very close and dear friend of 39 years. She went to the races on cup day which would have been a huge effort for her. She suffers profoundly from acute anxiety disorder and went with her friend as going alone wasn't an option. She is a christian and is a very non intimidating type of person. She had one cider and with all the people and noise around started having a panic attack. A security guard told her she had to leave as she was intoxicated. She explained that she wasn't drunk but was escorted out of the racecourse by 8 security guards in a totally over the top display which drew much attention and made her condition even worse as now everybody was watching her. She is an approved manager of a licenced premises and quite rightly asked why she was judged as being intoxicated when she had only one drink. She was denied any opportunity to explain her condition and in my opinion there was no duty of care exercised at all. Standard procedure would typically be sitting the person down, giving them water and explaining clearly the reasoning for the ejection and making sure the patrons wellbeing was of paramount importance. She asked the police at the entrance to perform a sobriety test and they denied to do so. This has all been detailed in a formal complaint to the racecourse management. I have read the complaint and it is very well written and to the point. Now she has been receiving calls from the security company using terms such as solicitor, making false accusations and more. She just wants it to go away and i completely understand why. However, as a former approved manager and a mental health sufferer, I cant help but feel that a miscarriage of justice has taken place. Is this discrimination, lack of duty of care or even incompetency and neglect by the security guard and therefore by the security company. I dont like seeing the little person get steamrolled by the company, who have been intimidating, over the top and unprofessional. Is there an act, code, procedure or precedent that exists that will protect this individual and recognise and maybe even compensate the wrong that has occurred in this case. Any feedback is very welcome and appreciated.

Alphabetty Advice please
  • replies: 1

Hi all, would really appreciate some expert advice. I have successfully dealt with depression and anxiety since I was diagnosed at 16 - now 37. Been on and off meds through that time, pretty good at knowing when they are needed and I'm ready to safel... View more

Hi all, would really appreciate some expert advice. I have successfully dealt with depression and anxiety since I was diagnosed at 16 - now 37. Been on and off meds through that time, pretty good at knowing when they are needed and I'm ready to safely move off them. Recently realised I was not coping with the anxiety side and did some research, also realised just how many side effects were affecting me that I had put down to other issues. Went to GP , explained issues, agreed that I needed to stay on meds but move to another one. So, this week has been tough - tapering off quickly, couple of days on nothing, starting new meds. Plenty of side effects happening of course. No sleep, major tremors, dizzy spells and loss of appetite. All short term (knock on wood) but debilitating. So, finally, the request for advice. I have my 20 year high school reunion tomorrow. No issues staying home from work this week (wonderful understanding workplace) but just don't know what to do about tomorrow. Can get transport there as I obviously can't drive, and I know how to convince myself to leave the house, but as much as I would love to see a number of people there, I am in a terrible state of mind. What do I do?

QldMouse Anybody else driven crazy by cup day?
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Every year my social anxiety and fear drive me crazy on cup day, its one of the worst days of the year for me. Each year I long to just be part of the group and be happy like everyone else, and every year fear drives me to hide it out and observe (or... View more

Every year my social anxiety and fear drive me crazy on cup day, its one of the worst days of the year for me. Each year I long to just be part of the group and be happy like everyone else, and every year fear drives me to hide it out and observe (or not) from a safe distance. Right now I am so mad and frustrated with myself for being an idiot yet again, if I was a screamer I'd be screaming. Now I'm calming down I just feel so sad and alone and socially worthless. Nuts huh, is it just me. Anyone else?

lotusgirl Please help
  • replies: 2

I have OCD and I am new to this forum. My OCD is specifically on a harm theme. I held my friend's baby in a new way - it is the outward facing hold where you hold baby between the legs facing them out. I know that a lot of people hold baby's between ... View more

I have OCD and I am new to this forum. My OCD is specifically on a harm theme. I held my friend's baby in a new way - it is the outward facing hold where you hold baby between the legs facing them out. I know that a lot of people hold baby's between the legs or via the crotch lol that's even what its called. But I became concerned that its criminal to hold babies this way. The mother said she always holds her daughter like that and was not concerned but my mind is on overdrive. thoughts and helpful comments please.

Nellxo I said something I regret, and cannot stop festering over it
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So 2 months ago an ex friend of mine tagged me on a remix video on Facebook, saying he didn't like it. I must admit I'm not the biggest fan of remixes, so I replied to his comment saying that I didn't like it either. Within 5 minutes I had 2 people (... View more

So 2 months ago an ex friend of mine tagged me on a remix video on Facebook, saying he didn't like it. I must admit I'm not the biggest fan of remixes, so I replied to his comment saying that I didn't like it either. Within 5 minutes I had 2 people (who were friends with the person who created the page and the remix) calling me a toad, rat, ugly etc, and then continued to tag more of their friends to gang up on us. I refused to comment after that knowing it will only aggravate them more, but my friend started calling them names back. Eventually I convinced my friend to delete it and I blocked the two people who were abusing me with hurtful comments. However, I'm STILL thinking about it all to this day. I feel sick to the stomach for saying I didn't like it and am so ashamed of myself. I've been bullied my whole life and know very well how hurtful words can be, yet I did exactly what I'm against doing?! I wake up every morning in tears worried that I have seriously hurt the person who created this remix. I wish I could send the person an apology but I have forgotten the names of all the persons involved. Do you have ANY tips on how to cope with this daily guilt that I live with?

Macdadz Chest pains
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Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone else has been getting the same problems. For the past year I have been getting these random sharp chest pains. They usually occur on my left side but can occur on the right side of my chest. Some times I get an "... View more

Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone else has been getting the same problems. For the past year I have been getting these random sharp chest pains. They usually occur on my left side but can occur on the right side of my chest. Some times I get an "electric jolt" across my heart and pains in my collar bone and stomach. Usually the sharp pains come and go and reappear in different locations in my chest. It's very annoying and I've had all the usual tests like an x ray, blood tests and ECG and even seen a cardiologist. All my doctors seem to think it's due to stress or anxiety but I find it hard to imagine because I wouldn't say I'm any more stressed than usual so why now?

Bambino Anxiety and inner ear virus
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Hi there, I have recently got an inner ear virus which knocked me for six and all of a sudden my anxiety, panic attacks and depression has become a lot worse. I feel miserable. I am over worrying about everything and am finding it really hard to see ... View more

Hi there, I have recently got an inner ear virus which knocked me for six and all of a sudden my anxiety, panic attacks and depression has become a lot worse. I feel miserable. I am over worrying about everything and am finding it really hard to see any end to this. Has anyone else experienced any of this ? Or have any advice ? I'm desperate for support on this. Thanks in advance for your help.

Muddlee Anxiety setback
  • replies: 4

Okay so this is what has happened. For the past 7-8 months I've been doing really well - managing my GAD, sticking to my approach, seeing my gp, meditating, going out with gf and friends etc etc. I felt like everything was going really great - I was ... View more

Okay so this is what has happened. For the past 7-8 months I've been doing really well - managing my GAD, sticking to my approach, seeing my gp, meditating, going out with gf and friends etc etc. I felt like everything was going really great - I was letting time do the healing, managing really well and I was actually starting to see a lot of my old confidence return. But the last few weeks haven't been the best - I'm starting to spend a lot my time worrying, departing from my techniques, feeling exhausted a lot more and losing my good form I previously had. And worst thing is today was my 1 year anniversary with my gf - things were not too bad until we came home and I honestly felt like i was going to have a panic attack. I managed it alright with some calm breathing, thought challenging and warm self-advice but i still feel like this is not a normal setback. I feel like this will be my slow descent back into my uncontrollable anxiety i had about a year and a half ago. I need advice - is this just a another bout of setback where the anxious part of me is thinking the worst or is this something else out my control? Need help peeps - either way i feel s lot better putting it out in the open :)) Mudddleee

kiara_18 Social Anxiety with Old Friends
  • replies: 5

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and am very grateful that it exists. I am currently facing some depression and anxiety about a friendship group I had from high school. We have been friends for around 12 years and I feel like we have grown apar... View more

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and am very grateful that it exists. I am currently facing some depression and anxiety about a friendship group I had from high school. We have been friends for around 12 years and I feel like we have grown apart. A few years ago when I was being bullied by another person in the group I felt like the girls were not there for me and really felt let down by it all. Of the group I had expected that a few of the girls would have said something, comforted me or checked if I was okay but no one did. So I gave up and stopped expecting. I completely withdrew from the group for about a year and half and no one really reached out. I made new friends and bless my fiancé (my rock) has always been there for me and we have a very loving life together along with our families and other friends. Lately after some work on myself, I decided that life long friends are hard to find, and after all that time apart maybe I should reach out. I did that and seemed to get not a lot back, from them collectively. I carry some resentment as I felt so alone because of them in the past, not to sound like a victim by any means. But its the same as ever. We are getting married next year and I was and am genuinely confused weather to invite this group of friends to our wedding. I love them and would help them in any way, but I feel like it's not a real friendship. They never exclude me personally, very inclusive and nice enough. But I feel anxious before and after seeing them as I feel that resentment build up. And also have no idea where I stand with them on a one on one level. I asked my self the question would they be upset to not be invited to our wedding and truely the answer I think would be more so upset they dont get to participate in a wedding not mine personally. Honestly it is getting me down, even though I have a lot to be happy and greatful about. I would love some guidance: - Should I speak to them and let them know my feelings and see if its all a misunderstanding over the last few years - Should I email them and say how i feel in a very kind respectful way, honour the friendship and part ways - Should I just hide away from them and delete them off all social media and start a new life Thank you all.