
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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DassaJassa Don't seem to be making progress anymore
  • replies: 2

Hello All I've had daily anxiety for coming on 8 months now, I see a psychologist on a monthly basis however his usefulness seems to have come to an end and I just don't feel like I'm getting any better. Everyday I wake up and get ready for work, fee... View more

Hello All I've had daily anxiety for coming on 8 months now, I see a psychologist on a monthly basis however his usefulness seems to have come to an end and I just don't feel like I'm getting any better. Everyday I wake up and get ready for work, feeling like I'm a bomb that could go off at any moment, I quickly prepare myself and head off for the 40 minute drive to work, as soon as i get on the freeway, I feel isolated, like if something serious happened, nobody could help me and that the ambulance is too far away to get to me in time, I practice the method of challeging this thought, sometimes helps but still maintain the tight chest and thoughts of impending doom but I manage, I get to work and seem to get through the day okay as I'm generally distracted working. The end of my shift comes near and is followed by further anxiety about the drive home, will I have a panic attack while driving? how will i cope? what if something else happens? I make it home and feel at ease for a moment, then feel on edge while in an empty house, nervously waiting for my dad to finish his shift, I try to keep distracted until he gets home but now have formed a dependance of other people to make me feel safe, so if something terrible did happen, they could help me. I can't seem to shake the constant chest pains, the changing symptoms on a daily basis, constantly finding peace and making slight progress, then having it all crash down when one day is worse then the other, I just don't see myself ever feeling myself again, no matter what techniques i practice, no matter what ways to use to change my thinking, it always seems to just come back again...

Nervybella Lousy friends or my fault?
  • replies: 2

I've mentioned this previously in another thread but I thought it might warrant a thread if it's own. So today I'm feeling really disappointed in my friends. To give some background: my best friend has been overseas for a few weeks and is just back. ... View more

I've mentioned this previously in another thread but I thought it might warrant a thread if it's own. So today I'm feeling really disappointed in my friends. To give some background: my best friend has been overseas for a few weeks and is just back. I'm starting a new full time job this week so today was meant to be the day we spent together to catch up. We haven't seen each other for a while, however we have texted. So two days ago I messaged her to organise this catch up and all was good. This morning I messaged her to try and finalise details and tell her I had an afternoon appointment so would have to be home by then. She says that should be fine, she has to do something this morning then we could catch up. Next thing I know I get a text to say she's just too busy and can't catch up anymore. Dont get me wrong, I understand that people are busy, but this happens regularly. And always cancelling at the last moment. Its really getting me down and makes me feel like no one likes me. I'm lucky that my family are very supportive but I need (and want) to have people outside of my household that I can go to and rely on. Has anyone else experienced this? How did you deal with it? I'm not one for confrontation and I'm starting to think it's my fault for never speaking up so my friends think I don't mind their lack of catching up etc Thanks for listening Bella

Ravin1 Change of home Anxiety trigger
  • replies: 6

Hi Everyone. This is the first post i've ever written...on any online forum in fact so i am a bit unsure of this process. I've moved in to my partner's house (with his other flatmate) and 5 nights ago, on my last night at my apartment, i couldn't sto... View more

Hi Everyone. This is the first post i've ever written...on any online forum in fact so i am a bit unsure of this process. I've moved in to my partner's house (with his other flatmate) and 5 nights ago, on my last night at my apartment, i couldn't stop my heart from racing. I've overcome my chronic depression, but only started my anxiety treatment last year. I know it's a long journey and i'm glad to finally be working on my anxiety but 5 nights ago the panic attacks were overwhelming. Now that i'm in the new place, and despite my partner's efforts to make me feel welcome, i still feel so displaced. no matter what i do, i can't feel like i'm home. I've expressed this to my partner and he's doing his best to understand, but because he's never had anxiety and never had anyone be so open with him about it, he's struggling to support me. Truth be told, i don't actually know what help i need. Has anyone experienced this?

Traveller73 ice pick headaches
  • replies: 3

Does anyone suffer from ice pick headaches? They can occur a few times a day, hard jabs that last literally 1 second? I had a traumatic event at work back in Oct and have had them since. Been to dr got checked out, but still worry about them. I googl... View more

Does anyone suffer from ice pick headaches? They can occur a few times a day, hard jabs that last literally 1 second? I had a traumatic event at work back in Oct and have had them since. Been to dr got checked out, but still worry about them. I googled headaches and anxiety and it described similar headaches. My headaches have dissapated over time, sometimes 2/day. Alao recently nearly went three days without one. But then I think getting better and it comes back. Literally i can think gee had not had headache for a while and 5mins later it happens again. Also watching something stressful on tv I think triggers them. If I am busy/ having fun they disappear. Anyone had similar? ​

Nickname_70EA4DF9-26E9-42 Anxiety about life
  • replies: 1

I don't know where to start other then give you an insight to my life in a nutshell then you can tell me if this is all in my head or if I'm being over the top. My mum dropped my brothers and I at school when I was 11 then never picked us up we never... View more

I don't know where to start other then give you an insight to my life in a nutshell then you can tell me if this is all in my head or if I'm being over the top. My mum dropped my brothers and I at school when I was 11 then never picked us up we never seen her for a while (a year) then as we grew up and become adults perhaps once a year on Christmas and phone calls once every few months. I never had her as a role model when I needed it the most. Now she has moved up to be in the same town as me and calls me everyday and is causing grief within the family. My brothers who I love so much just can't seem to get their lives together being alcoholics, can't hold jobs, lash out when drinking and I have to sit and watch their lives crumble when they both had the essentials to become great adults they just can't seem to grasp they're very lucky that dad done the best he could which most get less and achieve more in life. I tried as well being the oldest I put them on the right career paths, always there in the bad times, I get them out of trouble and love them unconditionally more then their mother would. I myself have young daughters a partner but I constantly worry about my family, my mother is always calling me and abusing me, my dad moved away because he couldn't stand watching my brothers. I've become so isolated in myself I have none to talk to and no friends who I could talk about my issues to and noone cares about me. I never get calls just to see how I'm going I just get calls to borrow money, want some thing or just to be abused because I don't ring my mum and never go over even though I feel like I barely no her she is almost a stranger to me who won't leave me alone. I have the best husband but he just says to stop worrying so much but I can't. My husbands family constantly cause drama within them selves but this doesn't help my stress and anxiety levels at all. Agghh I just want to stop worrying about everything and everyone for once it consumes me and I'm not happy my girls need a happy mum not one who is about to loose her mind.

crazycatlady13 What triggers your social anxiety?
  • replies: 4

As someone who is living with SA... I like hearing from other people with social anxiety because it makes me feel like I'm not the only one going through this horrible feeling (I hope that didn't sound bad...) I'm just curious to know what triggers y... View more

As someone who is living with SA... I like hearing from other people with social anxiety because it makes me feel like I'm not the only one going through this horrible feeling (I hope that didn't sound bad...) I'm just curious to know what triggers your social anxiety? My triggers include: Public speaking/presentations Being the centre of attention Job interviews! People watching me while I am doing something Being teased/criticized by others (this is probably the worst) Answering the phone if it is a number I don't recognize Answering questions in class Talking to people in authority, like professors or managers Speaking up in a meeting (especially if I have to criticize or add on to another person's idea - I don't want them to dislike me) After I experience some of the aforementioned activities, I always go for a walk, earphones in, put my favourite music on and try to forget what happened. It's like a terrifying roller coaster ride I am trying to get off.

Slaugh Apprentiship issues and extreme anxiety about working in general
  • replies: 4

Hi all, I am currently a 4th year electrical apprenticeship desperatly trying to keep it afloat whilst suffering what I can only assume is a type of work anxiety and depression. I am 32 married with one child. In my short life in the work force I hav... View more

Hi all, I am currently a 4th year electrical apprenticeship desperatly trying to keep it afloat whilst suffering what I can only assume is a type of work anxiety and depression. I am 32 married with one child. In my short life in the work force I have had 9 jobs all which I have been made redundant almost right on the 18 month mark, give or take a few months. My goal as an apprentice was to start my own business so i can avoid getting sacked from jobs every 1 and halyears. I began this apprenticeship with 5 years experience in the telecommunications feild over 3 jobs. Now I have 3 years experience as an electrician and very close to finishing my apprenticeship but one catch...i don't have an employer and I don't believe I can stand the thought of taking on what would be my 3rd job under this apprenticeship. The first job I was made redundant after 2 and half years. The next my boss fired me because I enroled in school when he insisted he needed me full time. The issue here was we both agreed I would work full time for 6 months and then re enrol back at TAFE. On the 6 month mark and following on for 4 weeks after, I requested to be enrolled daily. My boss just blew me off and continued as business as usual. So I took the initiative and enrolled. Told him, which subseqyently lead to my dismissal. Now the truth is I have come to a conclusion in my own head about what is happening in my working life and I really can't see what else it can be. That truth is that I am not a likable person. What I have found is on the 18 month mark my collegues have spent enough time with me to know they can't stand being around me. I don't blame them... I am always stressed at work no matter the job, overly cynical, shy (which comes off as snobby to many extroverts), I am a heavy smoker (so I constantly stink), and I am not interested in talking about women in a deviant manner (now you can tell I work around tradies) Now over the 14 years experience I have had in the workforce I have hit a brickwall. Some would say a nervous breakdown. This new job I have as an apprentice was a favour from a very good friend of mine, however my anxiety about failing again far outways the gratitude I have for my friend getting me the job. I'm absolutely terrified about working for someone else as I know I can never trust an employer. (My friend is not the employer, he just put in a good word for me). I am very close to finishing but simply can't stomach the thought of working for someone.

Ryanjs Feeling disconnected from society, speech problems, possible hallucinogen persisting perception disorder?
  • replies: 3

Hi all, I'm in a bit of a pickle right now. I went down a hole with substances for a few months. Quite often i would do them day after day for around a week at a time. After a while i noticed I was feeling disconnected from society, and now i stuff u... View more

Hi all, I'm in a bit of a pickle right now. I went down a hole with substances for a few months. Quite often i would do them day after day for around a week at a time. After a while i noticed I was feeling disconnected from society, and now i stuff up my speech quite alot, i might have hppd, and i feel anxiety most of the time. I've been sober for almost a month now and i'm not feeling much better. Also, im not really connecting with my family or friends very well. The only times I feel normal is when im doing the things I know how to do, like when im working. I used to swim but I'm getting back into it. I've not seen a doctor or had counselling and not sure how I should go about it if I did. I understand that binging like i did was incredibly stupid and thats my own fault, but I'd like to feel somewhat normal again. Any help really would be appreciated!

Marlie Flooding treatment for phobias
  • replies: 2

Hi, I have GAD and suffer panic attacks and also have issues with ptsd and ocd. One of my ptsd triggers is I was in a large earthquake in 2011. After this I have been too scared to return to my home city where it happened. as it has been a while, fam... View more

Hi, I have GAD and suffer panic attacks and also have issues with ptsd and ocd. One of my ptsd triggers is I was in a large earthquake in 2011. After this I have been too scared to return to my home city where it happened. as it has been a while, family have pressured me to return to visit so I booked a trip thinking I would be fine. I'm not. Since booking it it has become real and i am terrified to go back. I also have a severe phobia of flying and the flight is 4 hrs. my psychiatrist thinks I should go as cancelling is avoiding the fears and that it's called "flooding". I know the trip is going to be so traumatic and I don't know if I can go straight into facing my fears like that. my psychologist who i only just started seeing thinks its too intense and that I need therapy to learn how to manage the anxiety and how to deal with it better before I throw myself in the deep end. any one been through something similar? I don't know if I should go or not! Its 2 weeks away and I can't decide!! i am scared if I go I will get there and I will have a breakdown.

cai Anxiety every time I leave the house
  • replies: 2

I'll try to shorten the back story... my mother passed away suddenly from medical negligence. 6 months later my cousin died. I fell pregnant and separated from my son's father at 5 months pregnant. My son was born at 26 weeks gestation with life thre... View more

I'll try to shorten the back story... my mother passed away suddenly from medical negligence. 6 months later my cousin died. I fell pregnant and separated from my son's father at 5 months pregnant. My son was born at 26 weeks gestation with life threatening conditions, spent nearly 6 months in NICU and then my step father passed away a few months after my son's 1st birthday. I have severe anxiety with panic disorder and I have had panic attacks since I was 4 years old. My daily anxiety has increased significantly to the point that I don't like to leave the house unless it's for my son's therapy sessions, special needs playgroups or for him to socialise somewhat. I have my son most of the time but when he does stay with his father I feel lost and very anxious and don't want to leave the safety of my house. My question is how do those with this kind of anxiety (or terrible anxiety/ptsd) deal with having to leave the house or their comfort zone? I have this never ending feeling of dread and heightened anxiety that is both draining and makes me feel physically sick. I have an awful fear of death and have awful worrying thoughts of something terrible happening to me or to my loved ones. I'm so sick of feeling as though I need to be constantly aware and controlling of everything.