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Are we really on the brink of WW3

Community Member

Maybe I'm an odd ball. But the current state of the world has me quietly pooping my pants. I won't lie this all started with Donald Trump being elected president. But ever since my whole outlook on life has just turned into one anxious mess.

No, I'm not putting the blame on Donald. I think possibly the media attention has just made me more aware of the going ons in the world. Russia/American relations, China/American relations, South China Sea, Russia/Nato, Syria, Ukraine, trade wars.

Its all just kind of overwhelmed me and to a point where it is controlling my life.

I realize no one can say with 100% certainty that war wont break out. But I know there are some extremely knowledgeable people on this forum, so just hearing your opinions might help.

84 Replies 84

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi eth93.

You are not alone. I've even joined a USA based political forum on this topic.

It is not possible to determine if the world will break out in war. There are too many pliable issues.

Be aware that "sabre rattling " occurs a lot. Countries threaten then go quiet. This can be alarming for those that keep abreast of overseas conflicts.

Overall there us reason to be concerned. The South China Sea and Korea possible conflict could include Japan, Taiwan and USA.

Iran could be attacked by Israel alone of with the USA. Countries like Saudi Arabia. ..could go either way with loyalty.

Crimea/Ukraine I think will settle down as USA dont want arguements with Russia.

All this started before Trump was elected. He could be the tough nut USA needs for such conflicts.

Although I take an intetest I dont worry about it because it wont change things.

And it may not happen.

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

I was a kid when the cuban missile crisis was happening and we were pretty close to WW3 (Thermo Nuclear) then with the silly fears instilled into us with communism is bad etc etc. It was scary....even though I was 6 years old.

I cant stand Donald Trump but the economy is lifting again after he won the election. Building up the military makes me a bit nervous but his ego is too big and needs to be patted on the head where his business expertise is

I think he already spoken to Ford (US) and talked them out of moving to Mexico to manufacture...:-)

China has always mentioned that it will grow through increasing their manufacturing...not military....they did mention that years ago and they have done it.

Just my opinion Eth: North Korea is an issue....and Isis....

It can be overwhelming but we are nowhere near the cubans being supplied with Russian missiles in the mid 1960's....

Good thread topic Eth and good to see you again too 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Eth93~

While I do agree the world is in a worrying state, as you can see from such answers as Paul's, it always in some sort of trouble.

I've have chronic anxiety, plus other issues, for a very long time, and I see from your other posts you suffer from anxiety too.

In my own case I've gradually shrunk down the size of the world I deal with to match my capabilities. I.e. if my neighbor cuts his hand I'm on it, pressure bandage, drive him to A&E.

I try not to take on bigger issues where I have no hope whatsoever of doing anything positive. I research and vote in elections, I help charities that do some good, and I try to let other matters go by.

This is not from a lack of interest or denial of responsibility. It is basic self-protection. If I regularly watch the news my background stress levels increase and my symptoms start to increase to match. The opposite is true, if I leave the news and similar things alone, my symptoms by and large decrease.

True the world needs informed people, however I'm only capable of dealing with my own little patch. If I were to take it all on board eventually I'd likely crash and become a liability.

My best wishes


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
i seriously dont feel like were in too much danger at the moment.i watch the abc an sbs news to find out whats happening in the wider world and theres a lot of spotlights on trouble spots around the world and whole waves of refuges are moving around europe looking for a better life,but theres a whole lot of good news happening,like medical break throughs,and wider tolerance and people bending over backwards to help strangers from other countries.theres still decent people in the world.theres still people fighting for better things.theres always some conflict happening in small pockets of the planet,but the bulk of its still there and getting along.maybe we just dont hear enough about the quieter regions and peoples because they dont attract anyones attention.i believe this.but i feel this as well.i keep watching the news hoping some leader will step forward and put an end to conflicts over here,and make a change over there.

Community Member

Dammit! I had a huge reply written out and then I lost it all. Any way. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all who took the time to reply. At the moment I feel my relationship with this forum is very one sided. I'm just not in the right headspace at the moment to be giving out advice to others. I really do appreciate every single reply.

White knight - Don't you get scared? News articles are bad enough. But I find the comments that people leave even worse. If I read some Joeblow suggesting we are going to war. Its all over for the rest of the day for me.. Oh I'm definitely not blaming Trump. I think it was just all the media attention that the election was getting. I dug into all I could find about both Trump and Hillary.. Trumps take on Russia actually put me at ease for a while there. That was until the next news article came along.

blondguy - Do you really think that China will stick to manufacturing? I'm so scared that China will invade Australia. All our minerals and what not.

Croix - Yep, we are very similar. Except I've yet to master self control with media outlets. It's everywhere. Just being bombarded with this news article and that news article. Funny thing is I know that the media are just trying to stir up viewers. No one wants to read about the good going ons with the world.

mykl - Yep, no one wants to hear about the good things. Sad really. I often ponder why we can't all just get along. We are after all the same. Fingers crossed for the future my friend.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Eth, there is a phobia for this called 'traumatophobia' which is a fear of war or physical injury, just as there are plenty of other phobias that people worry about.
I was going to comment but decided against it, because who knows what will happen tomorrow the next day in our own life, family, work etc, nobody does. Geoff.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

I didnt know that phobia Geoff. Interesting

Im not concerned eth about China attacking Australia. We have treaties with USA and aggreement now with Indonesia likely due to any future threat from China.

Eth, its most important that these fears or phobia be addressed by therapy because your fears arent realistic. There's a difference in being concerned, worried and dwelling in fear.

What if's can be harmful.

Tony WK

Community Member

Geoff - I have absolutely no idea why Geoff, but whenever i see your display picture, it makes me want to give you a hug.

White Knight - I've tried therapy before, actually four different psychologists. Most recent being mid last year. I don't know why i don't take anything away from it. But if you ask my mother it's because I don't put in place what i learn in my sessions. Can't help those who don't want to be helped.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi eth

We with mental disorders can go about our business as we are but it means, without effective treatment we will struggle mixing with others and in your case, as Geoff also mentioned, youll go through your life stressed.

Worry is non productive. It rarely contributes towards your life positively.

Channelling this spent energy towards hobbies or sports means less time on topics like possible wars.

But if you dont want to change thats your call. My guess is that you either feel that changing to conquer how you think is too great a challenge or you are in your comfort zone.

Remember, you can observe without worry. Study possible conflicts without thinking its the end of the world. Realise that the percentage of possibilities are very low that Australia is under direct threat. Base your fear on that percentage and live life.