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Anxious & lost

Community Member

Hi there,

I’ve suffered anxiety all of my life, but the past month it has gotten out of control. I have seen my dr and my meds increased and am seeing a psychologist.

Sometimes I just need to hear it from people that know what it feels like, that I will get through this, and I will feel myself again. It’s not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Will I get through this?

Will I be ok again?

I really need hope that life will be sunny once again.

Thank you

10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello TB83,

Let me be a light of HOPE for you..... I had ocd..... very sever anxiety I have now recovered and life on the other side is amazing 😊 I seeked professional help.... I wouldn’t be the same person today without their help..

Welldone in seeing your gp and phycologist....

hang in there.... their are brighter days coming for you 😊

believe you WILL get better 😊

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Your not alone TB83 .....

You WILL get through this 💪

Keep pushing forward 💪

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Have you ever tried meditation?

I found it great for anxiety 😊

Community Member

Hi Petal22,

yes my dr suggested I do at least 10mins of meditation everyday, just finished my second night of it.
thank you for your suggestions and kindness ☺️

Community Member
Hi TB83,

As a person with lifelong anxiety I hear ya. I am happy to hear you are mediating. How did it go?

Sometimes focusing on breathing is all i get to through guided meditation, ah well.

Happy you're on your journey. You got this!


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

That’s great that you are meditating.... I feel meditation really helped my anxiety...when I could feel myself getting anxious I could revert back to what my meditation taught me...... and I would be at ease 😊

I listened to a guided meditation for watching thoughts.... it taught me to be a bystander of my thoughts and not get caught up in them.... it’s amazing I still watch my thoughts now..... we can all learn so much and keep growing 😊

have you practiced mindfulness? That’s great too 😊

I’m happy to help you I know how anxiety feels..... it will get better for you 😊 keep going 😊

if you have any questions or want to chat I’m here 😊

Community Member

Hi TB83,

As a person with lifelong anxiety, I completely understand. Meditating is a great way to sort the thoughts. One of my biggest thing that I took away from one of my psychologist was to find 'Your happy place' similar to meditating. Something to I use day to day no matter I am if its getting a bit much, just close your eyes and focus on a place, something or a memory that makes you happy and let you mind focus on that. I know that helped me when I couldn't meditate.

Your never alone in this. To quote one of my favourite songs when I'm feeling like I'm having a "bad" day.

'You'll be okay
The sun will rise
To better days'


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

You WILL get through this and you WILL be ok.

In fact you are already well on your way!!

Sending kindness,


Community Member
So I was doing ok, but my anxiety seems to be coming back.
I’m still doing all the recommendations as before, but I guess I need reassurance that is it normal for these anxious episodes to crop up? And is it just a case of over time, it will become easier to manage and these episodes become few and far between?
Any info would be greatly appreciated, it’s just so hard living in my head sometimes.
And thank you for not judging me, it’s not always easy to chat to people or tell them you’re struggling.