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Anxiety physical symptoms

Community Member

Hi I was wondering if anyone else has had the following physical symptoms

ive had pains in my left arm moving from hand to elbow to shoulder then goes away then comes back has been going on for days and sometime in my left leg and then chest I’ve been to my gp he says it’s the anxiety it just seems hard to believe when it feels like it’s life threatening, I’ve had all heart tests done about 6-12 months ago so he’s confident it’s anxiety hopefully someone else out there feels the same thanks!!

8 Replies 8

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

So your physical symptoms are left arm and chest from what your doctor says is anxiety. I've only had the stock panic attack, once and so bad I felt like I was having a heart attack. Indeed as having one but that's another story.

We cant diagnose of course, we are sufferers also of various conditions. Until proven otherwise you have to go with the anxiety decision.


Beyondblue topic anxiety, how I eliminated it

I hope it settles down. In that thread I touch on exercise that I still do 32 years doing them now.


Beyondblue topic he helped me for 25 years- maharaji

In that thread you'll find links to Maharaji's youtube videos which are amazing where he gets things into perspective.

I hope you improve.


I’ll have a look at them thanks.

yea the pain is weird it’s just a dull pain doesn’t changed doesn’t really move just jumps to a different place and when I feel I’m busy doing something I forget about it until I sit down and do nothing then it flares back up don’t feel sick or anything else just the pains floating around and the pain in my chest is more to the side like my ribs rather than the chest

Community Member
It’s also been on and off for past 4 or so days

Community Member

Yeah I get burning chest pain been to the er because I was worried about it got the all clear. It usually disappears when I move around. Just like you because you notice it more when you sit down it's definitely anxiety

Community Member
The way anxiety affects us physically is really astounding. I've had some horrible chest pains and dizziness... It's definitely an ongoing thing and I still frequent doctors for things and am told it's my anxiety. It can be frustrating - one thing I don't do now is Google any symptoms.
I hope you get to the bottom of it and are feeling a bit better today.

Community Member
Yea I’m the worst for googling things as soon as I get a pain or something I go straight to google then I’m convinced I’ve get that illness until the feelings or symptoms leave, I know I need to stop that it’s not helping me one bit at all.

Community Member
Absolutely, it definitely doesn't help. I've suffered with health anxiety for years and one of the first things my psychologist told me to do (when it was at it's peak) was to never google symptoms. I had to cut out stuff like coffee and any other stimulants, too. Maybe cutting back on caffeine could help you, if you drink it that is?

I'm definitely not in a position to have all the answers as I still suffer from general anxiety at the moment, and it's pretty bad... I'm really new to beyond blue, but talking definitely helps. 🙂

Community Member

Yea I don’t drink coffee or alcohol cut it all completely.

I need to work on the no google thing it can convince you have anything