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Anxiety/ panic disorder

Community Member
Hi there, I’ve recently been told I have anxiety/ panic disorder, Mine being triggered by my pregnancy, I had pulled a shoulder muscle and it triggered panic attack as I thought I was having a stroke and now every time my body hurts I panic, I can’t control it and I’m having multiple a day which is draining my body, I’m waiting to get into speak with a Psychologist, but there is a 6 week wait, which makes me more nervous as I’m struggling to deal with the attacks I have just looking for any advice to help. Thanks
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Community Member
I would also like to add that when my panic attacks come on, I have heaviness in my arms feel like I need to vomit, my arms get heavy, my hand goes numb and one half of my face goes numb and my throat feels like I can’t swollow, I’ve had the ambo out 3 times because of it.

Community Member

Hi KK7

I, too, have panic disorder. I was diagnosed about two years ago. I won't lie and say it's been easy, the road has been long but I feel I've come a long way.

I'm really glad you are going to see a psychologist. It is a shame about the waiting list. Perhaps reframe it as something to work towards and be prepared for in six weeks.

What helped me with my panic attacks is reminding myself that I've had these feelings before and nothing has happened to me. I've felt like I'm dying but I didn't die. I got through it and I remind myself I can do it again. I remind myself how strong I am to get through these very scary moments. Finally, I remind myself these feelings are just temporary and will be over very shortly.

I know everyone says work on your breathing and maybe give it a try? That particular technique didn't work for me and quite frankly, I got sick to death of everyone just telling me to breathe. I felt like it made the panic worse for me. I guess that just demonstrates how different things are for everyone.

In conclusion, I want you to know you aren't alone. It's bloody frightening to have panic disorder. You are an incredibly strong person for making it this far and I encourage you to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

My best wishes

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi KK7

Wondering if 'Silent migraine' has been considered by any health professionals. Used to get some seriously weird symptoms (some stroke-like) and was lucky enough for an MRI machine to catch my brain in the throes of one, so it was easily diagnosed, eventually. GP initially wanted to put me on anti anxiety meds (before the MRI) which I refused, as I just knew something else was going on here.

Whether the sudden overwhelming shifts you're experiencing in your body are biological or psychologically related, it's definitely worth investigation on both levels. It's incredibly stressful when we become so sensitive to even the smallest of shifts in our body. Any new sensations, can send our nervous system into overdrive, as we fear what we don't yet have an understanding of. We definitely become more sensitive when we're pregnant. I'm a mum of 2 by the way. We're super sensitive to the little kicks we search for, sensitive to any hint of nausea creeping in and the list goes on.

Some people actually do consciously practice searching for even the smallest of sensations or changes in their body, such as those who practice tai chi, yoga or meditation. They consider it a way of focusing on the body's sense of dis-ease/unease, so they can work on releasing it in a way of avoiding a manifestation of physical disease. For example, they may say that when they feel their body or their body's systems becoming hyperactive, they release such hyperactivity or build up of energy out through their breath, so as to calm their body down. They would focus on 'venting' or breath work. Each to their own.

I wish you all the best in your search for answers.

Take care

Community Member

I've been reasonably ok these past 4 weeks. Don't see or speak to a soul for 6 days, then do all my errands etc on Mondays.

I've become very anxious and depressed these last few days. Almost panicky at times.

It manifests as insomnia, severe fatigue, and complete exhaustion when I do even the smallest amount of physical activity.

I spend all day in bed. Am SO tired all the time. My joints and muscles ache 24/7 Have started to wonder if I gave some sort of underlying infection

Oh dear. This too shall pass.

I find going for a walk sometimes helps, on a sunny day.