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Anxiety over being judged

Community Member

I spent the day in hospital in another town I was visiting before being discharged with pain relief and told to follow it up with my gp but to come back to either that hospital or my local hospital if pain doesn't settle. My problem is that I'm in pain however I'm petrified of going to my local hospital as I have been so many times they ignore me now or I feel as though I'm being judged for wasting their time with comments like oh U have had this before. Or nurses comments like this is ... She is a regular. The last time I went with a friend I got oh it's not for U this time. I have persistent pain before this and don't know if I'm overthinking things and how to overcome my anxiety of being judged
4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome to this forum which is a caring and support place that is nonjudgmental.

You obviously have a recurring problem that needs help.

It is hard being in pain and then feel like you are being judged. Sometimes though because nurses have a difficult job they may be trying to be friendly and not judging you. they recognise you and are saying hello. I can see how it would make you anxious.

If you see their comments as being friendly would think that make it easier for you.

Not sure if that helps. fell free to post here whenever you like.

Thanks for sharing your story. others may have more helpful suggestions.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Jessten,

I would also like to welcome you to the forums,

Im sorry your in pain and feel like your being judged..

The nurses at the hospital should never judge anyone and should show respect for those coming in seeking help, even though nurses do have a very difficult job..

Jessten, have you been to your gp and had tests done to find out what's causing the pain..that way your gp should be able to treat the pain successfully to save you waiting hours on end in a hospital.

Thank you for sharing and I really hope that you can find out the cause of the pain from your gp and have it treated that way...

Kind thoughts,


Community Member

Thankyou for your support.

I have had every test done under the sun and I understand how frustrating it is for drs and nurses so I don't go up any more. I was told yesterday however I have an ovarian cyst that needs monitoring and if anything changed to go up. After much hesitation I did and my local hospital was like well we can't do anything so why did U come up even tho I explained why.

Then when I told the dr that I didn't know how big it was or anything he replied well U must know something I just wanted to cry but instead responded with no all i know is I have one. Ring them I was in too much pain yesterday to ask.

Thankyou for your support. I do understand its frustrating for them and it is emergency department. I think it's more the way it's said rather than what is said but I do understand what you are saying thankyou