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anxiety & hyperventilation

Community Member

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\


also have a good day 🙂 you can do this!

52 Replies 52

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

Good on you for having your appointments organized so well. You are stronger than you think

You are never on your own when its comes to overthinking and worrying. There are many super gentle people on the forums that also feel the way you do too!

Great to have you as part of the form family Rikka

my kind thoughts......Have a great Friday too 🙂


Community Member
Thankyou and I hope you had a good Friday! Just went to My Psychologist appt today and it was extremely good. My breathing is much better and Im much more calm. 🙂

Community Member

Just popping back in. I reallt despise these intense mood swings I get but today I just felt really sad and I keep overthinking my blinking and everything. As if I didn't already have the shallow breathing issue 😔👌 Its like everything is stacking up on each other... anyway. I'm trying my best to stay positive but its so hard sometimes as the physical symptoms are just so uncomfortable and debilitating sometimes

🤠 Hope you guys are having a great day btw

King regards


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka, just saying to you and Paul and anyone else who is reading this thread.

Best wishes.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Sorry Rikka, I meant to say 'just saying hello to you and Paul and anyone else'.


Community Member

Hey Rikka,

I have been experiencing the same issue as you lately in regards to anxiety. Whenever I feel anxious I feel out of breath so I focus on my breathing and sometimes that makes it worse, like I can't breathe on my own. I can't help but to worry there is something wrong with my health.

I also feel dizzy a lot of the time probably due to my breathing which makes it extremely difficult for me to go places. I am worried because I am starting a work placement in a couple of weeks and if I don't get it under control before that I fear that I will have anxiety attacks whilst I am there. I don't want my anxiety to get in the way of doing things I would usually enjoy doing.

Do you have any tips that work for when you are at places such at school or out in public?

I am glad to hear you are improving and I hope I too can work on this!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

These feelings can sometimes be uncomfortable as well as debilitating as you mentioned. I understand that you have a school counselor and a psychologist that provides support for you

Do you have a 'support network' that you can 'vent' to? Even one person is a bonus when we need to discuss how we are feeling

I really hope you are experiencing some peace Rikka

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hey CJ 🙂

I know exactly how you feel! What's helped me alot at school is applying for a card system so I went to the support staff at school and discussed exam provisions etc. The card system is helpful in showing the teacher that you need to get out of class and go for a walk or if you are going to have an anxiety attack, that they know how to help etc. What I do is I leave class whenever I have these symptoms and I drink water as it relieves some of the chest pain I get. When im out in public, I make sure that I'm calm before I go anywhere and if i do get these symptoms, I try and find a quiet place to calm down. If you are at work placement and you feel an anxiety attack coming, I suggest that telling them that you do have anxiety (If you are comfortable with that) or take a bathroom break, wash your face and go through breathing exercises (slow breathing is key) 🙂 I'm still trying to find ways to manage it bettet as well as its only been 2 months for me but if I find anything that helps, Ill make sure to write it over here! I also have an anxiety group chat where we all talk about how we are feeling and its really been life changing. One of them mentioned that this book called "Panic to power" by lucinda bassett is a really good read which has helped her immensely! So im thinking about getting that book lol


Sorry for this large paragraph haha. I also recommend changing to a healthier diet and drink plenty of water and rest! (Its so hard to sleep though but try your best 🙂 )


Community Member

Yep, I have an anxiety group chat on Instagram and my family and a few friends are a support network for me.

These symptoms are always uncomfortable for me it feels like im trapped inside my own mind or something. Do you think medication is a good idea? Would it help with my symptoms instead of me pushing through them lol

Kind regards


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

Good on you for having a support network on Instagram and family and friends too 🙂

The symptoms/feelings can be awful to have as you mentioned. Even though I have been though all the various symptoms of anxiety I am not a GP

From what you have posted on your thread....Recovery from these awful symptoms can be relieved/treated through ongoing counseling....as you know

There is no 'quick fix' with anxiety symptoms that have a profound effect on our day to day well being. Meds are only effective when used in conjunction with ongoing counseling/therapy

How's it going with your anxiety group on Instagram?

you are a legend by being so proactive with your health....Nice1

my kind thoughts
