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anxiety & hyperventilation

Community Member

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\


also have a good day 🙂 you can do this!

52 Replies 52

Community Member

Thanks for the reply! I like to come here when I feel I need to vent my worries and its super helpful when you guys reply 🙂 I just checked out the link and its really difficult for me to hold my breath in as it feels like im going to pass out so I just hold in like 2-3 seconds instead. I hope that still works haha. For me I just hate that whenever I try to normally breathe and not force anything, I get worried and overbreathe?? I need to find some middleground here lol. Anyway, my ribs always hurt and back because I don't sleep properly 😞 I just wish i didn't have to feel like im dying every single day its insane. Neverthess Im doing my best and Im going to stay positive even when I have setbacks (which have happened) ive realised that it's temporary as you said and it will go away. That thought feels so far away but I hope that I stay patient and get through it.

Ill definetely try those breathing techniques its just hard as my ribs hurt alot as I never feel relaxed. I hope this feeling will subside.

Thankyou so much again for your reply! Also, did medication help for you? I haven't taken any so far but I'm way better from last time. Would medication allievate the hyperventilation/overbreathing issue?

Thanks again!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Rikka, did medication work, well SSRI can try and control your anxiety, but this can change from person to person because when you feel nervous, anxious, or stressed then how do we measure to what degree we have it, each situation is different and it also changes from year to year.

Your breathing will be different from each situation you might be struggling with, for example, if you worry about wanting to say something to another person maybe different to when you have a setback.

I would be trying to stabilise your breathing in a way that suits you where it doesn't hurt your ribs or feel as though you are going to faint.

Best wishes.


Community Member
Thanks for the advice Geoff! Ill try my best to stabilise my breathing. I notice its always worse at night which is so weird. Anyway thanks again 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka, just a thought, monitor how many pillows you have when you go to sleep, 1, 2 or even a higher 3 or whether they're soft or hard, all of this will change how you breathe.


Community Member

Yeah, the way I sleep now is like sitting up because whenever I lay down my diaphgram feels so tight and I feel like I'm losing my breath so I get worried 😞 Now my back is always sore and my ribs ache. I sleep with three pillows btw. Its just I always feel my breath is just gone and that I need to catch my breath and when I try to be normal breathing its like my breath is going away. its insane like Im trying my best but its so weird like how do I find a middleground here?? lol

Kind regards,

Rikka 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Rikka

Just a note on medication if thats okay. If a persons diagnosed anxiety condition has a profound daily impact on their ability to function effectively then medication may be an excellent idea..Subject to your GP's opinion

Your breathing is a common indicator of basic anxiety which can be addressed by a GP or Counselor which you know. Can I ask if your parents are aware of what you are going through? (only if thats okay)

I do know that the more frequent your appointments the better your ability to heal more effectively 🙂

Great to have you as part of the Beyond Blue family too Rikka!

my kindest


Community Member

Hi Paul,

Im always hesitant on medication for anything I guess thats just how I am, but I'll do some more research and see. Indeed my family knows and are thankfully supportive and doing their best to be patient with me. Yeah i guess since its only been one appointment and I can be impatient sometimes so Ill do my best to get through this... its just so powerful the brain like Its difficult trying to just 'be', instead Im always just thinking and thinking about my breathing and when I try not to its like my breath is gone. Its the most annoying thing!! Haha, anyway its such a blessing to have the forum here as Im not a phone person so sending messages through here is so so helpful 🙂 I like to say that Im being strong through this but why is it so hard to let go of my fear of my body not breathing if I dont try to control it? I feel like thats the source of my hyperventilation because when I spoke about it with my psychologist, the sensation of me 'feeling' like im losing my breath in the car has been a repetitive thing for me everyday. its not as if im traumitised by that day but its been a really bad habit and fear of it happening again - which i guess is the intended cycle of the anxiety... (sorry for the rant lol) I like to challenge my thoughts alot but I never act on what I know to be the right way to go. I feel as if the fear grips me too much/this sort of worry because even when I try I still feel uneasy and loss of breath

But reading peoples post of having the same issue, it reassures me 🙂 Just got to stop thinking the worst and think POSITIVE

Ive got an essay/assessment due like tomorrow and Im speeding through it. I won't let this anxiety stop me.

King regards,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Rikka

I wasnt referring to you regarding medication at all....Just speaking generally re anxiety....sorry

You never rant Rikka...You excel where self expression is concerned! Thankyou so much for the kind feedback that you find reassurance on the forums 🙂

Walk Slow....Think Slow and then Breath S l o w...

I know you arent a phone person Rikka and thats okay! Just keep our friends at the Kids Helpline number in your phone if you get stuck with your breathing as they are really super kind people 🙂 1800 55 1800

Its always good to have a back up plan!

Be gentle to yourself

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Wow thankyou for the speedy reply! 🙂 Whenever I try to breathe and think slow I feel really heavy and sluggish, and when I don't feel my breath constantly I feel like my breath is going away? Its like on and off, sometimes the breathing excercise works and sometimes it doesn't (as in its less intense) or maybe im just getting to fearful and restarting the cycle again haha. I guess because my ribs alwahs hurt alot I assume me not attempting to force my breath is gonna make me suffocate or something. Thanks for the number! I have a psychologist appointment scheduled for this saturday and an eye check up as well. I hope my hard work is paying off 🙂 Also if I continuously do breathing exercises everyday, eventually does the forced breathing issue subside?

Kind Regards,

Rikka 😁

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Rikka

No worries at all 🙂

I know that there has been some helpful support above re breathing techniques....yet just from my experience breathing techniques are best left to your psychologist.....or a GP. The written word may provide some help on here yet its really face to face counseling that will bring you some peace. It may take some time too

Taking deep breaths can sometimes make our anxiety worse

Good on you for having that appointment lined up!

you are amazing

my kind thoughts
