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anxiety & hyperventilation

Community Member

does anyone have constant hyperventilation, where you need to force yourself to breathe or else you'll feel like it'll stop\


also have a good day 🙂 you can do this!

52 Replies 52

Community Member

Thankyou for such a comprehensive response. It's given me alot of relief now. I've been doing slow breathing exercises and noticed my breath much slower and I am not inhaling as excessively 🙂 What relief in these difficult weeks. I find that it's on and off but I just need to keep practicing. Thankyou so much Paul! (Also when my breathing is much slower is it normal for my ribs to feel heavy and light headed? Im still half focused on my breath but not excessively which is an improvement) I always keep thinking my breath will stop but its an automatic function so i need to stop this negative mindset... Thankyou again Paul, you are everywhere on these forums its awesome, make sure you also take care of yourself

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka, I'm so pleased that Paul has given you such a better explanation than my reply.

I know that he has been through much more than I have in his long history of corporate work, and his reply is worth gold.

It doesn't matter how long anyone has been on these forums, there is always someone who has had a different and more difficult experience than another person in another area of expertise.

Everyone's contribution is always most welcome, and please let us know how you are going, in good times and certainly the times when you don't feel as though you have anyone else to talk to.


Community Member
Of course! Thankyou so much for your support. You guys are incredible individuals 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

Thank-you so much for the super complimentary feedback:-)

I am happy that you have found some peace.......Your thread topic is a an excellent one as it also helps a lot of people that choose to only read the forums (approx 70% of the hits to the forums)

To answer your question Rikka....Its okay (normal) to have a heavy feeling in the chest (ribs) as you have been breathing super hard for a while.....This heavy feeling will reduce

The dizzy feeling you mentioned is typical of anxiety as when we take too many deep breaths we have an over supply of oxygen which will make anyone dizzy Rikka. This was a huge symptom (feeling) for me and feeling light headed and dizzy was awful

It is temporary 🙂

Your appointment on Monday will provide you with more info re the breathing techniques too which is better explained face to face Rikka. Be brutally honest when you are asked how you are/have been feeling

I hope you are doing okay

my kindest


Community Member
Thankyou, that reassures me 🙂 I went to my appointment yesterday and it was really good! She was super nice and understanding and made everything clear to me. Hopefully throughout this journey I stay positive and get through it the best I can. Thankyou for your help!!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

Thats great news with your appointment yesterday and good on you!

Sometimes anxiety symptoms can be like a roller coaster ride. You have a strong proactive attitude towards your health and that will be a huge help on your journey!

Great effort Rikka

be gentle to yourself


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka, I'm really pleased that Paul's advice has helped you, and please remember we are always here for you.


Community Member
Haha thankyou! I've actually gotten my breathing under control 95% of the time which is a break through for me. At times especially at night it gets difficult and my vision gets bad but having a positive attitude and remembering that there is nothing wrong with me really helps. I have to admit at time its hard and I can't help but have those intense symptoms but its way better than before thanks to you guys and my psychologist. Love you guys!!

Community Member

Hello again! So Im doing pretty alright, ive been managing the best I can and my school has organised a support plan for me at school (a card system which displays how im feeling and if I need to get out of the classroom) and study provisions (so like bonus points for my final mark, completing exams in a seperate area and an extension for my assessments). Ive also been continuously visiting my school counsellor, shes such a friend to me which is great 🙂 I was just wondering (once again) how it is to breathe normally as in I dont know how to know if my body is breathing correctly? or is that just my fear again lol. It just feels exceptionally weird to just sit and not try and take in a breath, it makes me feel so woozy and out of place. I also get this feeling where I feel as if Im bleeding inside or my mouth is bleeding but when I check it isn't. Long story short, I've had moments (always near the evening usually) where i just cry and cry and feel so upset about the breathing issue but during the day I always keep myself busy (mandela colouring book, nintendo switch, reading and attempting to study... <_<)

So the real question I am asking is, have you had days where you didn't like overbreathe and that you felt normallish...?

Thankyou Geoff and Paul 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rikka

you are amazing for having engaged the school counselor and working with the card system too! Excellent 🙂

Just to provide some accurate info re breathing I have a link below that also discusses hyperventilation as well

Its a copy & paste link yet its a huge help to many people Rikka


I hope this site provides you with the breathing techniques you are looking for

Let us know your thoughts.....if and when you wish Rikka

Fantastic effort with seeking all the support you have 🙂

my kind thoughts
