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Anxiety attacks make me exhausted?

Community Member


I literally woke up a few hours ago and due to not eating as I have barely any appetite I woke up shakey and anxious - now I don't know if it's cause my blood sugar levels were down or what but I got up had some juice and a few bites of toast. After that I felt better, but now I just feel extremely exhausted! Is this normal to feel exhausted after an anxiety attack?

I think i feel so off to because I started medication two days ago.

11 Replies 11

That's very helpful thanks heaps Paul,

I spoke to my doctor! And he's put me off them, seeing him tomorrow. I honestly feel strong enough to get over anxiety with a psychologist first before going to medication as I think that's what's my body and mind is telling me. My heart rate seems to settle when I tell myself it's the medication and anxiety put together, plus my appetite is coming back 🙂

Also thank you for everyone who commented you all are very helpful.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Courtz, I remember when I first went on medication I felt worse for about 10 days, so I think what you are feeling is normal (although you should definitely speak to a professional about this). Medication usually takes a few weeks to take affect. It is awesome you have acknowledged that you need to take it! I'm not sure which one you are on but some can make you nauseous so as your body is getting used to it it's probably best to have it with food. Hope you're feeling well today.