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Anxiety and tablets

Community Member
Does anyone get a fear when they need to take their medication I hate it
7 Replies 7

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear apricit@@123,

A very warm and caring welcome to the forums..

Yes...I do have anxiety about taking new or different medication...I live alone and at times my mind thinks up all sorts of things going wrong, and no one around to help if something happens...

Before I take any new medication I will ask my Dr about the possibility of side effects...and try to be well educated on them...My Dr did tell me once, with a new heart medication I had to start on....that the side effects if I had some...would be minimal compared to my outcome if I didn’t take them....I took them that night, even though I do have a fear of taking new medication, I know my Dr wouldn’t prescribe them if I didn’t need them....I do trust her, because she is looking out for my physical and mental health...

Please Dear Apricit@@123,... Maybe have a talk to your Dr, and tell him/her about your fears of taking meds...

Talk here anytime you feel up to it...We are here for you the best we can be...

My kindest thoughts with my care..


I have been taking it for four nights now and I get scared everytime,

But I know I need to take it .

It's the same tablet as I used to take the brand is just different and when I take it i think something bad will happen so i panic and my heart starts racing it usally takes me half and hour to calm down to tell myself that it's the same tablet I just get so scared it sucks 😞

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Apricit@@123,

Well done taking your meds..

I once questioned a med that was under a different brand name....The chemist said they are exactly the same ingredients...I did a check...on google...bad me for doing that...Dr google can be bad for us....anyway..sure enough the ingredients were identical....

You’re doing a great job, maybe once you take your med, you could sing a long to a song that you know, to help take your mind of the anxiety your feeling over taking them....just something to help calm you down, deep breathing is also a good anxiety coping tool....focusing all your energy into counting your breathes...in and out..

I am sure in time, the longer you take these meds, the more calming and easier it will get for you....

My kind thoughts with care..


Thankyou for your supporting post its just the fear but I will take it again tonight with the same fear I felt last night I really hope it gets better in time with taking them they changed the brand name and my silly Brain thinks it's a different tablet and I'm worried about side effects it's a phycological battle I'm having unfortunately:(

Community Member

Thank you for your help, Ggrand. I think we should understand that fear exists only within our heads. We can't touch, hear or see it. That's why fear doesn't actually exist. Maybe, another cause hides behind your fear. Do you trust your doctor? Or you prescribed the medication by yourself? Anyway, I hope that soon you'll successfully defeat your fear. Actually, you can always talk to a psychologist. Tbh, I had a fear of taking pills too.

Community Member
I was to buy some medication, and the pharmacist saw me hesitating. In short, we talked about this fear, and he told me that fear existed only within your head. So, I hope I've helped you. Please, keep us updated.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Apricit, I hope you are still checking your thread, but yes, people are scared of taking new medication, especially if they have searched the net and read all the comments, but these don't necessarily mean they will happen to you and just because a friend may have reactions, doesn't mean the same will happen to you.


Life Member.