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- Anxiety and my heart
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Anxiety and my heart
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Hello everyone,
This is my first post and I like a lot of people am suffering from anxiety.
it all started a few weeks ago when I was cooking a BBQ around my in-laws house and I had felt really anxious all day with non- specific pains all over my body but the ones in my diaphragm caused me to start worrying, then I did a stupid thing ad measured my heart rate on my phone app and it was 143, that was it, I freaked out and demand my wife take me to the ER.
Bottom line - I was there for four hours or so, the nurses were great though, they done a ECG, blood tests and chest X-Ray, all was normal and they suggested to see someone for my anxiety.
Then the very next week I had the biggest palpitation I’ve had in my life sitting with my wife and my little boy, so I freaked out again and went to the ER - same thing, tests all good but they kept me there from 8 in the evening until 5 in the morning. But told me the same thing.
My problem is my heart rate always seems high now 120 odd and I am constantly vigilant there is something wrong, I am never relaxed and when it seems I am something always happens.
Last night I woke up with my heart nearly beating out of my chest and it took me an age to calm myself down (I am seeing a sleep specialist as I think I have apnoea) so all day I have felt terrible as I haven’t slept and my anxiety has reached such levels that I feel like I am going to have a breakdown.
Has anyone felt something like this- I feel so alone land helpless.
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We are sorry to hear that you have been through so much recently with your anxiety. We understand how overwhelming and stressful this must be for you. We’re sure that a lot of our community members can relate to these feelings and hopefully some o them will pop by and offer you some support or words of kindness.
If you would like to talk to someone about this we would recommend that you get in contact with the Beyond Blue Support Service. They are available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 1pm-12am AEST on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport One of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you and can offer support, advice and referrals.
We also think it would be worthwhile to have a look around the forums and see if there are any other conversations that you feel resonate with you.
Please feel free to check back in and update the community on how you are going if you feel comfortable doing so.
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Thank you for the reply Sophie_M - it means a lot, I have been looking through posts and there are a few that resonate.
Its good to know I’m not alone.
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Hi Bulldogbobby73,
Welcome to the BB online forums - please know that you are not alone and you will find many people with similar experiences to you on the forums (me included). I second Sophie_M's advice to speak to someone. When you are feeling so overwhelmed with your anxiety, it's helpful to talk to someone removed from the situation to provide you support, provide a different perspective and suggest tools that may be useful. I find, as well, that having an objective sounding board also allows for them to challenge your thoughts - when you sometimes hear your words repeated back to you, you can look at them in a different light.
It sounds like a bad bout of anxiety, and taking baby steps like seeing your GP and/or downloading some apps (like Headspace, Smiling Mind or Bloom CBT - I use Bloom) for some breathing or reflection exercises can help. I had a particularly bad night last night (couldn't sleep, worrying about a multitude of things) and I put my headphones on a did a 20 minute breathing exercise to help settle me. It doesn't always work the first time, but adopting a practice like that is a good self-care activity to help. I have regularly suffered from insomnia and thought it was linked to a deeper health issue (was seeing a sleep specialist and endocrinologist), but when I practice self-care and put boundaries in place (with work, social life etc), it's amazing how much my sleep improves.
It might be worth chatting to your GP and getting a referral to a psychologist (in addition to the BB support services). I know my psychologist has provided me with some fantastic tools in relation to stopping and challenging my anxious thoughts. The Beyond Blue website also has some fabulous information on anxiety which might assist. And, not to overload you, the are some really good workbooks (in simple language) on the Centre for Clinical Interventions website https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Anxiety
I've used these myself and they have some great stuff on anxiety and rumination - especially on the viscous cycle of anxiety (which keeps fuelling the anxiety). I find it offers a different perspective at how to look at anxiety (not something you are feeling, but a tangible process) and allows you to challenge the unhelpful thoughts.
Here if you want to chat further. Good luck and take care,
PS. All the baby steps help. Trust me 🙂
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Hi Gab’s_s,
Thank you for the reply, it means a lot to have some support.
I am actually seeing a psychologist tomorrow, I got this through my job, they offer four free consultations per year, so I thought I would take them up on it.
I will also take your advice and have a look at the resources you gave me a link to, anything to stop this anxiety thing, thank you again.
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That's great that you are seeing the psychologist - you should be proud of taking the first step!!! 🙂
I'm sure the psychologist might suggest it to you also, but if the anxiety becomes debilitating, you always have the option to see your GP about considering medication. I resisted it for a long time, but after I started suffering from panic disorder, I went on medication and it has helped (alongside the psychological work) and got me out a very dark period in dealing with my anxiety.
Sing out if you want to chat about how you are feeling after your session. Thinking of you.