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Anxiety and Alcohol

Community Member


Wondering if anyone can relate to me. About 12 months ago my father passed and I was with him for 3 months, I was heartbroken. My private doctor put me on SSRI for the first time in my life and they worked very well. However I noticed I had a greater urge to drink. I drank daily due to the grief and other things. This went on and on until lately I just started nudging a 3rd bottle and mind you I woke with no hangover which is why I could back it up (which isn't me normally). I had a big weekend and decided not to drink monday night, instead I woke to having the sweats, bad dreams and headache. I just knew i was having alcohol withdrawls, it freaked me out. I haven't drunk for 4 days now and don't have an urge as I have become aware of this link and also that I was headed for trouble. Anyway experienced this on SSRI and alcohol and did I have withdrawls? Thanks in advance.

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi cleo122,

Thanks for a sharing such a personal post, and I'm so sorry for the loss of your father.

Just from experiences its probably a good idea to talk about this with you prescribing doctor, as alcohol tolerance isn't a common side effect with SSRI. Depending on the dose and type of SSRI excessive alcohol consumption could be dangerous.

Please talk to your health care provider. And please let us know how you are traveling.
