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Anxiety & alcohol equals despair

Community Member

Such a vicious cycle happening within me. I drink to alleviate my anxiety and then suffer the despair of my drinking. Three different medications later the depression is clearing but not the anxiety. I have confessed to my psychologist and husband about my struggles with alcohol. I am an intelligent person why can't I get this monkey off my back? I don't want to live this up and down life anymore but every time I seem to have things under some sort of control I self destruct again and go back to square one. Its like having an out of body experience as i watch myself head for that wine bottle. its the only thing that numbs the anxiety. Why? Help.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Daisychain, this a problem a lot of people have to cope with, including myself when I was depressed, which brings me to my point, are you sure that your depression is under control.

I felt like this many years ago, but as soon as something went wrong or upset me, I would reach for the bottle, because I couldn't cope or handle this problem.

Anxiety is linked to depression as Dr. Brian Ironwood explains.

With myself I had to cope with my (ex) wife and two young sons who didn't like me drinking as I was doing, and would tip it out if they found the wine cask, so I then became a cupboard drinker, much to the despair of them all, but it was the only solution to my problem then.

My psychologist always said that the alcohol would reduce the effect of what the antidepressant was trying to do, I knew that but the medication was taking too long to work, whereas alcohol was instant, and that's all I wanted.

If you need some medication to help you stop then there are a few types which your doctor should know about, and what it does is to stop the urge for alcohol, and even if you do have a drink then the effect from it won't be there, but it won't work if you still want to drink.

It's a vicious circle, because with having depression all we want is to feel at peace within ourselves.

The problem is if depression has gone then you will have a great chance of stopping your consumption, but if it's still there you have little chance. L Geoff. x

Community Member

Thank you Geoff for your very sensitive reply.  It is good to talk with someone who has been in my shoes.  I agree totally with you.  I am going back to the dr Tuesday to review my medication.  I hope that your struggles have improved and all I can do is take advice and gain hope from others that things can end up in a positive way, and I can be happy (and at peace) again.  Thank you for taking the time to try and help. DC x

dear Daisychain, thank you.

We both know just as many other people do, that to overcome drinking too heavily can always be a major concern, and of course the consumption level depends on how we feel mentally.

I would classify myself in this category, but not now or the last 10 years, and I know that I can only consume so much alcohol, otherwise I will have an epileptic fit, so this forbids from drinking too much, because recovering from a 'grand mal' seizure is not advisable, as you lose all thoughts, don't know the date or year, so I suppose I know my limit.

Ask your doctor about these drugs that I have mentioned, and the ones that come to mind are campral and naltrexone, and I'm not exactly sure whether these names will be mentioned, or whether they will be deleted.

Dear DC, I know the battle that confronts you and I really feel for you and the struggle, so please let me know how you get on. L Geoff. x

Community Member
Hi Daisychain, Ahhh that Social Lubricant , been there done it Tshirt, havn't drank for many many years, but the urge in SOME social situations never goes. Only thing that stops me now, is the rebound Anxiety and dreaded depression that follows a binge, and the unpredictability of the stuff... TC 🙂