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Anxiety after leaving a toxic work environment.

Community Member

Hi, I'm new to beyond blue.

I have started to feel really anxious lately and i worry that it may be effecting my new job. Firstly, i recently left a job that i have been in for over 6 years. At first it was great, over time it became a nightmare. I used to always feel physically ill when i woke up and had to go to work. I would find myself having horrible thoughts. I used to dread going into work. It was coming up to my wedding when i decided enough was enough! I quit my job because i felt it taking a toll on myself. Fast-forward to now, i have been recently employed in a similar role. However, the staff are wonderful and i have so much support. Although, i cant help but feel that i'm going to mess it up with my constant worrying. In my last job, i was told that i was never going to become a manager, and constantly felt like i was never good enough. I was working full-time, and i was entitled to sick leave. Whenever i took a day off, i was always guilted when i came back (I only took 6 days off in over 6 years). Coming back to my new job, i had to take a few days off because i was having some back problems. Although my boss is completely understanding, i cant help but feel guilty and continuously feel like i am going to lose my job. I am at a loss, and i feel like i need some advice.
Thank you for reading.

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lily-Ann

Thanks for posting here- we are a caring space, but posting about a personal issue like anxiety can be daunting, so it is great that you have been able to post here at all. Remember that.

Firstly, please remember that what you feel is valid, and its good that you have this self-awareness. I know that feeling guilty about 'burdening' others with how you feel can be draining in and of itself, too. Have you been able to reach out to anyone for support, personally or professionally? This may help you get some clarity, and some strategies as to how to manage your anxiety productively.

Also, we are always here to provide a listening ear if you want to chat about it further on this thread you have created. Alternatively, the anxiety thread we have may provide you with some consultation and tips from people with similar experiences that may resonate with or be useful for you too. You aren't alone in this. Check out the thread here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/anxiety

Let us know if you'd like to check back in, no pressure either way.


white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Tay has some great advice.

Some workplaces is toxic, little to do with the individual. For this reason working in such an environment can be problematic and even after leaving that job we can carry fear and guilt into the next.

I have selected some threads pertaining to your situation. Just google them and read the first post.

beyondblue topic guilt the tormentor

beyondblue topic worry worry worry

beyondblue topic fortress of survival (workplace)

You’ll also need to build up a good reputation for reliability etc. I think just worrying about your new job proves you are doing ok.

Something else might help- the moving on eventually to your own small business. Do you think that could ever be an option?


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lily-Ann's,

Thanks for your post.

When reading your post, I was taken back to my own experiences. I too constantly felt worry at work, whether it be a new job or old job.

My health professionals found this to be antixey, I worked with my psychologist to rectify this.

By speaking with your health care professionals, you to could find a link between these feelings.

Would love to hear how you're going.

