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Anxiety about new meds

Community Member


I know other people go through it so any helpful advice would be appreciated. Over the last 2 weeks Ive been put on a new medication with each 14 days my dose goes up. Well today was a up in dose day and Im just feeling so tired, nausea and generally not caring about anything, I saw my Doctor last Thursday and he assured me it was just my body getting used to the medicine, but all this is making my anxiety really bad, to the point of making me sick.

Im anxious just writing this Im shaky and not thinking clearly right now. I know it will settle down and may even pass. I have wonderful family support thank goodness, love goes a long way.

Anyway I've had my whinge now, I hope everyone has a good day


8 Replies 8

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Happyannie,

Thank you for reaching out to us:) It is hard sometimes to get the medication right. You can always reach out to our DR KIM on Beyond Blue because I am not qualified to answer about the medication. It doesn't sound right that you are shaky & not feeling well, maybe you could go and see your DR earlier, it might not be the right dose or medication. Mindfulness and breathing is always helpful, I use 'smiling minds ' app from Beyond blue or google nice meditations from www.palousemindfulness.com. It is great that you have a supportive family, that is so important. You can also call us on 1300 22 4636, I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care Nikkir x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

happyannie, I would say that your post is not a whinge in any way. I would say it is someone who just needs to tell a story of what is going on, on a forum that is designed to do just that, so in saying that, well done for posting.

Getting used to new meds is certainly an anxiety triggering exercise without having any side effects. I hope that they settle down soon and you feel some peace.

Nikkir also suggests a really good app called Smiling Mind - I use that one and rate it highly. Might be a good time do download it and start it.

Please understand that what you are going through, heaps of others are also and you are not alone in your journey.


Community Member

Hi happyannie,

Anxiety and new medication go hand in hand especially if your anxiety is health related. I always get anxiety when starts medication, I literally had antibiotics today and felt sick all afternoon from them and started to worry about why it was happening. I just made the mistake of not eating before taking them even though I was told to do that. I like to put faith on the doctors a bit and if they aren't too concerned with the symptoms then generally it is all in our minds but overcoming that is an entirely different beast and one I totally understand.

What's your tips for dealing with your anxiety prior to this? Do you do anything that calm you down?

My best for you,


Hi Bballj

Thank you for replying and for your advise. I try to practice deep, calming breathing, try to take myself to a happy place in my mind and I keep a daily journal, that sometimes goes on for pages and pages. Sometimes theses methods work for me and sometimes they don't. You get to the point where you have to try everything,even if just one thing works, you're onto a winner. No matter how anxious and depressed I try to stay as positive as possible.

Thanx Jay


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Annie, sometimes in the short run to curing depression/anxiety may take you through a journey of trying to adjust to the new medication or even an increase in dosage which may not be pleasant, however in the long run hopefully you will feel better.
Sometimes it's like trying to cross a croc infested river to get to the other side where you will find bliss and happiness, in other words just waiting your time until it's free to cross, that's exactly how it feels when starting a new AD or when the dosage has been increased.
Don't be anxious or afraid of typing a comment here, just take your time or when you feel as though you can begin to, and how right you are love does go a long way in all extremes. Geoff. x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Annie, awesome that you practise that deep breathing - it is so effective. Your journal, just think forward a few years when you have everyone until control and living a good life, that will be one super fascinating read for you. Journaling was something I did in my early days when i was in a world of hurt and felt it was super helpful. Looking back on it now, just reminds me to do everything i can to remain as healthy as i am now.


Hi happyannie,

One thing I preach on these forums is positivity and staying positive even when it feels your whole world is crashing around you. It can make the world of difference. You seem to know how to get out of it which is great but it's just getting to the point which I understand is hard.

Keep doing all the things you know work and you'll find they just start helping.

My best,


Community Member
I’m new to anxiety - panic attacks started in January and I was out on AD which made things heaps worse. Health anxiety to the max and now I’m on a new med, have huge Anxiety about every little thing. My tongue & mouth tingle and feel numb - started mid Jan. and awful insomnia. I wonder whether I will ever be back to happy carefree peaceful me that I was always. How to stay positive ? I look at my little daughter and feel so unlike myself it’s hard to parent. Health anxiety is the pits. How to carry on with numbness & tingling ?