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Agoraphobia about going into the shops

Community Member

Hi Everyone,

I’m new to the forumJ . I have anxiety and agoraphobia. I feel extremely anxious when we (myself and my partner) need to go do the weekly grocery shopping. I could never imagine doing the grocery shopping alone. I would really like to have that independence and not having to rely on him so much to do everything for me that involves talking to strangers on the phone or going to a shop. I feel that at 25 I am less of a person because I get so anxious about these things that others (who don't have anxiety) do without a second thought. Once I've been to a place about 5 times I feel more relaxed but I feel so overwhelmed walking into a shop for the first time. I buy all my clothes online or when my partner is with me at the clothing shop. The last time I went into a shop alone was for christmas presents - something I really needed to do without my partner but the entire time I was so nervous and couldn't wait to get out of the shop - afterwards I felt dizzy and weak.

If there really is something I really need from the shop I will go into the shop on my own and buy it - but it's that dreading feeling I feel when in the shop. I feel very alone and was just wondering if anyone else felt like this. I don't think my partner understands at all how anxious I get.

3 Replies 3

Community Member
Hi Everyotherday, This is common of Agoraphobia, support person/friend/so/ to be with you.  have you tried going to smaller stores?, this can help. Sometimes you need that little bit of discomfort, I can manage to do one around the corner from me now depending on how i am., but the big stores no . I guess it will take time. I've read that  having your safe person sit nearby while you go in can help to, not right besides you, but just outside so you know. Rather than tackle it on your own, you need to break it down into very small steps. TC

Community Member

I can't believe it. I feel like you are writing about me. I'm 25 too and have only once went to Woolworths by myself and had a panic attack and cried the whole way home. How do we fix this?

Community Member

I was a bit the same, I dreaded the shops, I started doing all my food shopping late in the evenings right before closing time.  If I went into the shops when it was busy I would either flee and have a cry in the car or even worse literally forget how to walk ( that was fun) I got to the point I was so frustrated living like a hermit that I started forcing myself to go during busy times and if I started panicking I would go to my favourite book store  and would not let myself leave until my nerves had settled... I could tell you just about every book they had on their shelves...it took me awhile but I am 100% better than I was... I still have off days but I manage to push through them ok...