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2019: The hardest year of my life

Community Member


I am new to this and this is my first post.
This year has pushed me to almost breaking point .
The start of the year I was in a job that was making me miserable, the environment was very toxic so I decided to leave as my anxiety was reaching new heights. I was waking up every night with panic attacks. I was lucky to find a job back in the industry I was very familiar with and although it was quite a bit less pay, it was a comfortable position and my anxiety pretty much vanished. It wasn’t until September when things really took a turn and I found myself back in an all too familiar place.
my wife was diagnosed with MS on Friday the 13th! This completely turned our world upside down and although she is also a type 1 diabetic, we were doing well at managing that. She was off work for 2 months , no income , couldn’t drive and relied on family members to be constantly here to help take care of our 4 year old. She has started to go back to work, on a part time basis which I am very proud of.my mother was involved in a major car accident 3 weeks ago and suffered some minor injuries. My best mate and wife just had a baby which needed open heart surgery at 1 week old . I have tried to be there for everyone in these situations , offer support and try and manage finances through my wife’s illness. I am starting a new job tomorrow which I started looking for to try and earn some more money and to take the burden off my wife . Today I feel like all these issues have built up to a point where I just don’t know how much more I can take . Another panic attack this morning at 3am and the anxiety of starting a new job is consuming me . I have been the go-to person all year for everyone and I have not done a thing for myself . The black dog is at its peak right now and there’s often times I feel like it’s all too much. The only things keeping me going is my wife and son. I feel trapped with no way out. I have forgotten what it means to enjoy life and to have a normal day to day...

11 Replies 11

Community Member

Thank you so much to everyone for the support.

im now a week in to the new job and over this last week my anxiety and depression have really hit new heights. I’ve had to increase my dose age of antidepressants and am still not eating or sleeping much.

I am getting really depressed and feel utterly hopeless. Suicide has been a thought on a couple of occasions however I could never do that to my son and wife. They are my fuel to keep pushing on . They are all that gets me out of bed each morning. I no longer do anything for myself.

Hi Learntoswin. I'm sorry to hear things are really tough for you at the moment, starting a new job can be tricky at the best of times. Even though you're feeling hopeless at the moment, it's great to hear that your son and wife are keeping you going. 

If you're having thoughts of ending your life, we would urge you to seek help; numbers like Lifeline (13 11 14) and our Support Service (1300 22 4636) are a great resource. There is also web chat or email available at www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport

Feel free to keep checking in with us. We're all here to support you.

Stay safe,
Sophie M.