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Community Member

Hi all, don't really know what to say.. I've had major depression and anxiety for around 9 years, I self harmed from when I was 12 to only last year (18). I always just saw it as depression and anxiety, but after starting a recent unit at uni (I'm doing Psychology) I've been wondering more if its Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I was molested as a child by my godfather when i was 7, He was charged but never convicted after i told my parents when I was 10, He had also raped one of my older sisters and a family friends daughter. I always knew this was the cause of my depression and anxiety, that and the changes to the family dynamics and lack of support. 

I guess I kinda want to know what people that have been diagnosed with PTSD have done to overcome it, and how they went about getting diagnosed. 

I've been to see a phsychologist a few times, but i generally get to nervous about it that i talk myself out of going and dont show up, But i recently did confess my depression and self harm to my family, and they have been incredibly supportive. 

I appreciate any advice in advance, Thanks 🙂     

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi there - what an impressive young woman you are: facing your challenges head on, speaking up, working out what works. My depression has a PTSD element, ur not alone. Many years on, I've become aware that my depression is interlinked with anxiety, partly due to PTSD. Early on, symptoms included over-responding to surprise/ loud noises (a car backfired- I jumped out of my skin and started hyperventilating/ crying!), getting panic attacks, plus depression. What helped for me (and everyone's different) was counselling, medication, and a good little book called 'Dealing with IT' - for panic attacks.

Please think about making that appointment. You're not alone. And you didn't ask to feel this way


Community Member

Hey, thanks for the kind words, I spent so many years hiding my depression and anxiety that it just got to the point where i couldnt anymore. I'll have to get a copy of that book, my panic attacks have been getting worse, i walk about 15 mins to work each day and even if a car just drives past me it takes me over an hour to calm back down, let alone if a person walks past/behind me. Have you ever tried hypnosis? my friend from uni was telling me that it is a good way for people with PTSD to be able to over come it, I was thinking of asking next time I go in for an appointment, Which I am planning on booking and getting my friend to make sure i go to it and dont chicken out.. 

You can go only go for so long feeling as horrible as it makes you feel before you have to stand up and do something. it took me around 11 years to finally realize that burying it away doesnt help what so ever! 


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Bec, this is a sad story, and I know what I would do to your godfather, chop off his :"><>", simple he wouldn't be able to do it again.

Being abused like this is a reason why you have PTSD, and maybe in your psychology class something like this has resurfaced this damn issue.

Before you see your psychologist hand her a letter which will describe all the details, but the first sentence should say something like this 'I was too embarrassed to mention it at first, and it may be difficult even now to talk about it', this will then make her be very careful on how she begins to talk about it with you.

Google ' how to overcome PTSD '.

It's been a very traumatic time for you, so I hope that you can reply to us. L Geoff. x