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How to get back on track

Community Member

I feel like I’ve been in this mental health journey since I was 14. This year will mark 10 years - I’m just over living like this and failing to find the positive everyday.

just quickly what’s on my mind - financial difficulty even though my boyfriend and I have a ‘reasonable’ income - including juggling credit card debt. I’ve flunked uni, probably going to kicked out and my hecs debt is just adding up. I have more debt to my insurance company for a car accident. My boyfriend knows about the debt, doesn’t know about uni - I feel like a failure. I feel our relationship isn’t going anywhere and it’s just become some sort of convenient domestic partnership.

i am overweight and struggling - it’s like I tell myself I’ll be happy after I lose weight.

the probably worst part of this is I guess i put on a brave front everyday going to work in an office in the corporate world and then that’s my life on repeat Monday to friday and it’s just all my fault anyway.

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Zacherine,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry that you're struggling with this and hopefully we can be helpful to you!

Your post title was 'how to get back on track' but part of me wonders if it's time to get on a new track entirely. You've been dealing with this for 10 years saying your life is on repeat. I feel like it's time to shake things up a little. You deserve more and you deserve to be happier (regardless of how much or little you weigh!).

What do you think your life might look like if you were feeling better? Would you be applying for different jobs? Would you split up with your boyfriend, or tell him about the uni? Would you finish uni, change courses? Maybe if you could have a think about that it might give you an idea of the next step. I don't think it's your fault; I think you are just doing the very best you can, and things can get better from here.

Hope this is helpful