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Community Member
Hi everyone, I am new to beyond blue. Ive been suffering depression for several months now along with anxiety and panic attacks. I am seeing a psychologist and am on medication but am going through a episode that i cant pull myself out of right now. I have just gotten engaged to the love of my life and feel so guilty for feeling like this. I work part time and the times im not working i want to curl up in bed and eat.. emotional eater all my life..  Just wanting to reach out to others who understand this situation and dont want to 'fix' it. My fiancee is a fixer and i cant talk to him about how i am feeling because he just wants to fix it instead of just being with me in these feelings. 
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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi ariek2991,

Welcome to BeyondBlue and thanks for coming here.  You're not alone and will find many people in the same boat as you.  I know that it's hard being with a fixer (I see that a lot) but you'll find a big community of people here who want to help but also happy to sit with you through this.

I see that this is your first post so I'm not sure how familiar you are with the forums, but feel free to read and comment through other peoples stories in Depression here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/depression  and anxiety here:  https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/anxiety

Feel free to let us know if we can help more. Hope you enjoy being apart of the forums.