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New person rustic girl

Community Member
MY name is rusty girl and have posted a day or two ago. I really appreciate all comments and as I am hoping you can reply to my first thread as I am finding it hard to reply. Hope I will get the hang if this so don't make new posts making it hard for others to add theirs. please be patient with this old girl will learn. this is why I am here to learn and change. just wish it has taken so long to make changes. motivation and procrastination have been big factors but am ready to change this.
5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi rusty girl

You are doing fine. After a little while it will be like a walk in the park.


Hi Rusty girl, glad to hear you are getting good support on the forums.  

Have a read through the Forum FAQ (pink button at the top) as it explains how to reply to your already open threads, and how to find them.  It really helps the community provide you with the best support if you keep to one thread per topic.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rusty Girl,

Can you please tell me where I can find your original thread as I can't seem to locate it. I have been chatting with you on a different thread, it may be helpful to be able to chat here if you would like to or on the original thread if I can locate it.

Technology is not my favourite thing.

Would you like to share more of what is bothering you in life?

Regards from Dools

I normally post under name of rusty girl or rusted under panic attacks. some posts went under self harm. I have felt rusted or burnt out.. I have been diagnosed with major depression anxiety and a form of agoraphobia .. I am trying to study at my late stage of life.. it's been up and down like me. hate ta king meds been on them for years. left job nearly 3 years and am just drifting .. on govt assistance which I have never had to do till now. don't know what I want to do next. such is life. be glad when it's my time to leave.. solo person but do see . friend once a month . I will get over mood and move on

Hi Rusty Girl,

It sounds like you have had a few things to deal with lately. It can be difficult when you don't really know "Where to from here?"

I have been in that situation recently. A while ago I was in hospital due to my mental health issues. The Drs have adjusted my medications again and I am feeling a little more settled.

One day a week I volunteer in an Op Shop and have now started in a home for the elderly. I really enjoy both positions. I would like paid work, but have not been able to find anything.

Have you ever considered volunteering? It can be very rewarding. I am meeting some lovely people and at the home I get to help out with the craft activities.

I've also joined a couple of groups and enjoy the social interaction and getting out.

Wishing you all the best with your study!

Cheers to you from Dools