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Monthly Forums Update: Reflecting Back on July
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Hi All,
This is a difficult time for everyone in our community. We are all experiencing this differently and one person’s way of coping is going to look very different to another’s. We understand the importance of creating a safe space for people to come and vent their frustrations - you may see more of this around the forums in the coming weeks and ask that you are gentle with yourselves and each other.
Community Voices: What are people talking about?
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted my mental health
“I thought I was okay about Coronavirus up until we were advised here in the Melbourne metro area that we had to wear masks. It felt like a massive step backwards. I had an anxiety attack and called the Beyond Blue helpline and spoke to a wonderful counsellor called Yvette. I was very grateful for the advice given and some strategies to put in place.” – MummaPetal (Read more here)
“im struggling. Big time. Not just because of coronavirus, but for a long time and I didn’t realise it. Lockdown situations made me just focus more on my feelings and my situation where I would have just ignored it before.” – Hmelbs (Read more here)
Managing body image issues and or eating disorders
“My father and brother used to call me fat etc too when I was growing up. It is horrible. It stuck with me and I have always had body image issues. I am now 37 yo and my strongest advice to you would be to not give any worth to what they are saying. And instead give worth to YOU and all you are more than your body. You are a personality, a brain, a friend etc etc. And your body is to function - so look after it and love it for you to be healthy. I have been in hospital before and the nurses say to be your own best friend.
Try your best everyday to be your own best friend. You are worth it :)”. - golden82 (Read more here)
“I think one of the most difficult things is to acknowledge and understand that we are worthy and valuable, regardless of the actions, thoughts or opinions of others. We're also worthy and valuable despite our own thoughts, actions and beliefs about ourselves. I often base my worth on my objective 'success' or being perfect, good enough etc, but it's important for me to remember that those things don't define my worth.” – quince (Read more here)
Supporting my partner with a mental health issue
“I would just like to start of by saying thank you for everyone who is courageous enough to write on here and to everyone who is kind enough to reply. If it wasn't for you all i would not have been able to navigate through my experience.
My boyfriend and i have been together for 8 months, 3 good ones and 5 depressed ones…He is an amazing man with big dreams and accepts he has depression, however i feel he is now comfortable within his depression and his dreams have faded. This concerns me.” - Monet Exchange (Read more here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/supporting-family-and-friends-with-a-mental-... )
"I believe my partner is struggling with paranoid schizophrenia ... he has been hearing things for a number of months now and believes we are being secretly recorded in our home by our family (whom he is estranged from now). I love him dearly but I am at a point where it is really impacting on my own mental health and I do not know how to deal with him as I am constantly afraid of saying the wrong thing as I know it’s not his fault and he is unwell." – Mas123567 (Read more here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/supporting-family-and-friends-with-a-mental-... )
Valued Contributor Award
Our Valued Contributor for the month of July is ‘hello, hi, 😀’!
hello, hi, 😀 has been nominated as a VC for always ensuring others feel supported within our community, while approaching all conversations with warmth and demonstrating respect for one another’s opinions and life experiences.
Thank you hello, hi, 😀!
To read more about what a Valued Contributor is and how you can nominate a fellow community member, please refer to our thread Nominate a Valued Contributor here .
Community Champions
Please extend a warm welcome to our newest Community Champion volunteers Ggrand and James1! Ggrand and James1 have been regular supporters on the forums and we are glad to have them join our team 😊
Read more about our volunteers here: ‘Introducing...the community champions’.
BB News
We continue to update resources on the Beyond Blue Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service web page to assist the Australian community through this uncertain time. Here are a few of the latest additions:
My experience of racism during the coronavirus pandemic: Jennie’s story
What we've learnt about the community from our Support Service
I’m OK: maintaining wellness through the pandemic
How financial stress is impacting people during COVID-19
You may also find the following resources to be helpful during this time:
Butterfly Foundation (Support for eating disorders and body image issues) https://butterfly.org.au/
Kids Helpline (free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25) https://kidshelpline.com.au/
Switchboard Victoria (provides peer-driven support services for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people, their families, allies and communities.) http://www.switchboard.org.au/
1800RESPECT (Open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse) https://www.1800respect.org.au/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6575BRCQARIsAMp-ksPXC1SkGr9LrXIfx_uHgNkAAY4C7FV3kVEvi0...