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Manic depressive son

Community Member

Just need some coping strategies to help my son through a bad patch very worried about him.

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

welcome to the forum.

i have been living with manic depression also known as bipolar for 50 years. 
I was wondering if you can share a bit more information about the bad patch, Is it the mania or depression that causes you to worry. I would like to share some strategies if I knew some more. 

Mark Z.
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Carrie_87,


I'm so sorry for your challenge, I can tell it must be very hard for you.

As quirkywords said, please share more details if you feel comfortable.


Meanwhile, recommending two helpful websites for you to have a better understanding of manic depression including coping strategies and treatments:

1. Bipolar Australia: https://www.bipolaraustralia.org.au/bipolar-information

2. Black dog institute: https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/resources-support/bipolar-disorder/


