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I'm new to recovery — what is this rage I'm experiencing?

Community Member

Hello community!

I recently spent 3 weeks in treatment for depression, anxiety and disordered eating and am now back home and am 'in recovery'. I have had a few relapses since being home (mostly around eating/food) and am generally finding recovery pretty hard. Every day is a struggle and while there are moments of joy, most days I feel sad and lonely. Some days I also feel hopeless. But the thing that has surprised me most is that I feel so much RAGE. Has anyone else experienced this? I have always been "in touch with my anger" but this rage is a whole new thing. I feel so angry so much of the time. I don't know where it is coming from or what I need to do with it.

Who else experiences this? What do you do about it?

Peace out x

11 Replies 11

Hey mb20lover!

Thanks, that's my cat Evie Wonder who actually thinks she's a meerkat.

Have you found anything that helps with the anger?

The in-patient therapy was really great and I would highly recommend it. But being on the outside has been hard and the isolation after such an intensive and supportive program is hard.

No I haven't, sorry